Kind of looks like if batman had awesome sex with an orbital frame.
Kind of looks like if batman had awesome sex with an orbital frame.
One of the commenters in the source post added this link for how to clean cast iron grates that aren't porcelain-coated:…
Oh my! My work is in Kotaku :-) Thank you for posting this!
They left out the most important mask: BRUCE WAYNE.
Okay, I'm extremely shocked that this even escalated this far. For a such a large group of socially awkward adult-children that tend to be skittish at regular anime cons to thin that this could work is absolutely bonkers.
Actually no, that's completely idiotic and the creator should be shot for wanting it pronounced so retardedly.
Does your hallway move? like the ocean moves?
Track: Flood II | Album: Floodland | Artist: The Sisters Of Mercy
It was designed by Hitler.
They look similar because Cammy used to be one of Bison's artificially created dolls like Decapre, Cammy broke free of Bison's mind control and became her own person.
I have known this girl since High School. And am very good friends with the owner of On Impulse Photography. Thanks for giving them some recognition. I can tell you first hand that she takes it very seriously, and it shows.
I've made that a bit clearer. I never referred to Terraria as an imitator, those words were in different sentences.
How about "he's the mate with the cyanoacrylate"?
What, are you mad that your brand-new $500 purchase can't render a game better than my 4 year old PC? Hell, I could upgrade right now for $300-400 and lob a new graphics card in there, and I'll be right up there at ultra for another long, long time.
This Facebook exchange between two strangers begins as many Facebook exchanges between random dudes and female…
Too bad you don't know what the difference between sashimi and nigiri sushi is.
Perhaps the volcano is made of blocks but is so far away, the individual blocks aren't perceptible.
I'm a designer and font nerd, and this might be a controversial viewpoint among my peers, but... People only think they hate Comic Sans. It's cool to hate it, and it's cool to talk about how awful it is, but in reality what people hate when they say they hate it is misuse of it. As with ANY font, there's a right place…