Darrisbob1 - ☆彡

... dat last frame ... took me only 15 tries to actually see it. Kinda disappointing when you've seen what I've seen, but then again, this is youtube.

The biggest silver lining to all of this is Arby's reaction:

Now playing

Tsk, I'm disappointed. Nothing of Robbaz's War Corgi?

I see there is already a healthy dose of DLC anti-hype in the comments, but I have one thing to add...

We have these little signs put up on our counters at Gamestop that lists everything included in the base game as if to try and say "Look at all this content!". Seems like a direct reaction to people's complaints of lack of content.

As I scroll down the page while reading this all I notice is the big advertisement for Evolve saying "PREORDER NOW!"

Kind of like how comics should be funny, right?

"keep us entertained or give us something to shoot at, it loses all meaning for us"

If war can be described as a game, so can Flower.

Second down, four yards away from the goal line, best running back in football on your team... so of course you call a passing play.

Let's get real here for second. Tori, Grant, and Kari's myths nearly always sucked. For every one where they remote controlled a bus and launched it over a ramp, there were 8 where they did something stupid like run an obstacle course on a crab boat to try and boost ratings for the deadliest catch. Probably not really

This is an article about how to stream it, not how to watch it on TV. Idiot.

You forgot to adjust your fedora at the end of your sportsball rant. But really, there are different types of intelligence. You might be more eloquent than Marshawn Lynch, but I'd be willing to bet that he can read a defense better than you. You might have more basic math skills, but I'm sure Marshawn is better at

Thank you. I'll have a FANTASTIC bye.

You don't know how commerce in entertainment works, do you?

No acting there. That's pretty much been Conan for the last 20 years.

A simple explanation: You are watching a story where the underdog is beating every foe thrown in his path. The story keeps telling you that he's the scrappy hero who is about to beat the odds and overcome every adversity. Then, he gets hit by a car and the story switches over to someone else. THAT is how the crowd

at first being introduced as devices to enhance standard television viewing, then paired with mobile technologies, and finally serving content delivered by the new Xbox itself.

Yeah, because there's no time required to learn something new - it's something he's already done and already knows how to do. He understands the process, logistics and market.

He doesn't have the resources to take the time to switch to a platform he's less familiar with - what makes you think he has the resources for something as big as going back to school?