Darrisbob1 - ☆彡

That's...exactly what parody is. That's the reason why movies like the Cornetto trilogy (Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead, and World's End) work, they utilize specific elements and tropes of existing works of art, while deliberately stating why they are silly, and using them, but not in a way that is directly "Hey, you are

I don't necessarily agree. A game can make fun of, and even disparage certain things, and still include them in the game. I mean, there is still fanservice in this game, and for good reason — it appeals to a large portion of their intended audience. Take the game DLC Quest for example. The game was basically made

But it's still using sexism to mock sexism in the gaming industry! WE CANNOT HAVE SATIRE BECAUSE THAT IS STILL OFFENSIVE TO PEOPLE!

If he doesn't have ten shots of cocaine in his system, this guy doesn't even wake up in the morning.

Wow it must take a LOT to get you riled up.

LOL I would say that but being a gamer who owns a Xbox and a PS I would say owning The last of Us is sorta like your average Xbox player owning Halo. It's a pretty essential game , the way I look at is it's not just a game but on what a game can achieve from story telling.

The glorious PC gaming master race can go play with itself.

Right, but you won't get free stuff here. You'll need to actually be living in the US.

SC is coming to PC and PSP as a digital download. So you'll be able to buy it on PC, PSP, and Vita.

That made me deeply happy, to see Leona show up and be awesome.

Word. I was going to buy all of these anyways.

I don't see how anyone can decide that Nautilus or Jax are "run of the mill" designs but hey, hating on stuff on the internet definitely gives you the hipster edge so kudos to you.

I already own Swapper on PC, but I may need to jump on thew weirdness that is Hohokum just because.

This is awesome. I was already going to buy Hohokum and CounterSpy. Rouge Legacy and The Swapper are also tempting, but that just might be too much awesomeness, especially with Metrico also coming out on the 5th, and Infamous: First Light and Destiny right around the corner.

They are fox-ears, Ahri is a kumiho.

Jax died trying to 1v2 in the jungle.

1v1 me rust u fgt

Odd that you seem to care enough to give your impressions, but not enough to actually try it. Tread on, Internet Man. The mark you leave on this world will endure until all are dust and memory.

Graphics aren't everything, but they are important. Saying graphics aren't important, and that we should only appreciate a game for how it plays rather than how it looks, is hugely disrespectful to the artists, engineers and world designers that pour so much of their heart, soul, and imagination into making a game

You, my friend, live in the state of reality.