Darrisbob1 - ☆彡

Exactly, I was honestly expecting Rhythm Heaven Fever love, but alas...

I still can't see how you are paying for any distinct advantage. You still have to learn how to play the champions you buy, whether with RP or IP. One of the reasons they offer champions at 450 IP is so you can build a basic lineup of champs to learn. There is about 8 champs that cost 450 IP, and that much IP can be

With yo-o-ou...

Buying a champion doesn't make you good at them.

I was surprised to see Cave Story on there.

I did the same.

Gotta breed'um all.

I'd put Katamari on my top 100 list any day of the year.

Of all the Zelda games they only put the first... No Link to the Past, no Majora's Mask, no Wind Waker...

What a story, Mark.

There is no Pay To Win. The only things that can be bought only with money is Skins.

People who like things are asshats, and people who hate things are asshats.

Don't you dare talk to Tony Danza like that.

Actually, forget the Blackjack!

Yeah, it's called the 3DS.

Look at that trailer.

I'm hoping for a new Willow movie, myself.

The ability to make something look better is completely different from what people view as aesthetically pleasing. It's the sense you feel from an artwork, not the amount of work put into it for the sake of power.

It's mostly their TV and phone divisions that are starting to worry. Sony tech is starting to count for less and less as Samsung gets more popular in Japan.

Just don't invite Creepy Woody.