
So refunds were almost impossible before, and now they are possible. No shit the “statistics” are going show an uptick when you compare now to then. Buyers can now do a thing they couldn't, the statistics show them doing that thing

Because it’s just some CG and no gameplay, so why?

You’re a dick, Jonathan.

I see this purely in consulting terms (I’m a consultant). Microsoft here was the client, who outsourced their project to a consultant team (Darkside). They agreed on terms, budget, etc. and work started.

Because the Vita is a great handheld that needs a lot more games.

They really need to get all this on the Vita.

Why are people so disturbed? I've seen worse and more realistic in other games. Like hatred, assassin's creed and even God of War. In fact, I remember Heavy Rain being way more disturbing.

Vote: Astro A50 Wireless

Not my gif.

To each his own. I think that it's a great update myself, but as I own 43 PS4 games, I'm not hurting for things to play.

NEVER *roars*

"The white people on Twitter are fucking idiots."

For that matter, I think every human qualifies for that. Not wanting to be told they can't do something.

Why can't we tag the twitter quotes?!? This was my favorite one:

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So uh, remember the two trailers Gen Kim did for Guild Wars 2? He made a third one. For Destiny. And, as usual, it's very good! The song lends the game a very Borderlandsy feel. Even Bungie liked the video—so much so that they shared it on their Twitter and Facebook. (Thanks Carl, Robert and Ed!)

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For anyone looking forward to a great science-fiction space odyssey check this out. My most anticipated film of the year.