
Ah, one of those “I know what this gibberish means, therefore everyone does” writers. Noted.

Its a scam, and its still more technically impressive than the quick travel simulator that Starfield is.

“...the game’s ultra-realistic planetary orbits...”

That’s a pretty narrow view of the genre, especially considering anything from Japan. The overwhelming vast majority of rpgs do not grant the amount of character agency you’re talking about.

This seems like a weird comment. You need to have killed or almost been killed to have an opinion on the merits of pacifism? 

What you’re encountering is realism.  Just like in real life, a pacifist will do fine until they meet someone who genuinely wants to hurt them.  :)

Press F to fuck dinglebot69420's mom

I choose to believe that was intentional and meant as bait for people like yourself. 


You do know that he only wears clothing with his campaign brand on them. Fascists love them a good branding.

I dunno, most of the people in my life who played the entirety of Skyrim did so without knowing that feature existed, so I’m inclined to believe Bethesda’s UIs are not actually that well explained.

These all make total sense, but my experience as someone who is pretty OCD when it comes to collecting and searching is this:

I start by grabbing everything (at least everything in boxes) as well as all ammo, armor, medical supplies, and weapons. I hate having a box or cabinet not say (empty) if I’ve been in a room.

Hey cool! The thing I absolutely hated in every other Bethesda game and played a significant part in why I dropped all of their games after 10 hours is even worse in this new one!

In theory yes, but in practice it still tends to end the same way.

It’s not a major difference. I wouldn't even say it's a meaningful difference

I’m seeing the word Overwhelming thrown around a lot in these reviews, and that’s a big red flag to me. Quantity over quality is another phrase I saw, but if anything, 100+ hours of gameplay doesn’t draw me in anymore like it did 10 years ago when Skyrim came out, it makes me run for the hills.

How on earth did my parents manage to raise my sister and me with only two rows?

Yes, clearly the world should change in order to suit your needs. 

Go test drive a 2013 Model S and see if you think it’s obsolete.

What? People haven’t gotten 70 hours into this game that just came out yet??