
You lowest common denominators need to stick to the comics made for you, and we gamers will enjoy the ones made for us. Get over it.

I wouldn’t bother with this person if I was you. Recognised them from sns, look at their first comment and what it was replying to.

God forbid someone state an opinion on something.

The light has gone out of my life.

Let’s see here...

If you don’t have insurance, a visit to a specialized doctor can run you easily twice the cost of a decent gaming PC, a Vive, and a lavish dinner for two.

This country is fucked, is what I’m saying.

in the United states most of us have little or no health insurance and huge deductables . He likely would spend thousands of dollars weather or not he gets any actual help, and might lose his drivers license if diagnosed. in a first world country he would see a doctor, but America hasnt been first world for awhile

So he parked his car a foot or so ahead of where he should have. If he’s so obsessive about it, shouldn’t he have noticed that when he got out? Are we to believe that someone “pretty obsessive” about his car doesn’t look back over his shoulder at it every time he walks away? I guess that’s the difference between

The potential damage if parked too far forward is blatantly obvious. Zero warning should be required. And the previous cars damaged in the structure should have served as ample warning. If I close my dick in my zipper it isn’t because the people who made my jeans didn’t warn me. It’s because I fucked up.

The F-Type owner says that he apparently missed the bumper or possibly drove over it, because the bumper for his spot is shorter than traditional bumpers, specifically to not scrape on his low car. If he did drive over it, he says, he “really didn’t feel it.”

“Why didn’t the lift company protect me from making stupid mistakes?!”

I’m not the biggest fan of DACA, as it was just a compromise that came from the DREAM Act’s failure to pass, but your aggressive language doesn’t hide the misleading nature of your statements. Applying the blanket “criminal” label to dreamers is an extremely weak argument, considering the entire point of DACA is to

If you somehow missed the numerous, frequent, and loud cries of civil war and taking up arms against evil liberals, I don’t know what to tell you. I’d certainly like to buy some real estate beneath the rock you were under.

While i love cars (thats why i am here, obviously) i have zero sympathy here for a rich dude who cant park. Hold on while i get my very small violin. Him reaching out to Jalopnik in an effort for what, tears? I dont get it.. suck it up rich boy and deal w/your own stupidity.

1) Illegal Immigration is a civil crime, not a federal one. You aren’t a criminal because you got a speeding ticket.

Nope. In order to commit a crime, the suspect must have the requisite mental state of intent. Children under a certain age are incapable of forming said intent. The crime you refer to was committed by their parents.

Labrador retrievers?

Effed Type.

“It isn’t illegal for me to trip a five year old and scream “asshole” in their face.”

It isn’t illegal for me to trip a five year old and scream “asshole” in their face.