
I always wanted one but was never given the chance. My older sister had an Addy doll and I broke her leg (on accident!) and she had to go to the American Girl Hospital. My sister looked at me and said, "If she dies, it's on you". I never stood a chance.

Now playing

Congrats! In celebration, here's a V8 powered Kei-ute laying down some clouds.

Dude I am just so so so so so SO SO happy that this didn't happen to that beautiful custom Lamborghini Aventador right infront of the Ferarri. I would have cried.

Cutting torch and a bottle of Jack is probably were I would start.

Combat was sheit in ME1 and they damn well know it. ME2 was nearly perfect and ME3 was simply perfect in combat play

DEFINITELY leave the mechanics of each game as is (save for fixing/re-balancing). Whatever your preference is, the maps, enemies, leveling, item, and combat systems were designed in each way within the context of each game and (when applicable) experiences from having developed the previous iterations.

That's cute

You sound like a total buzzkill.

There's a right way and a wrong way to hoax the cops. Like the time a guy in my hometown (Wakefield, MA) called in a bomb threat to the high school and then, when the police were distracted, pulled a takeover robbery of the BayBank* (which, for any of you from New England, should tell you just how old I am!)

Please go find me a story of a wrongful shooting during a SWAT raid. It shouldn't be hard, since there are COUNTLESS ones, right?


Except you double-space between paragraphs—as I do between self-contained thoughts, which could be paragraphs on their own, were they further developed.

Do you even MA in English, Bro?


Except, LOL, no.

If you steal a luxury good or service (re: something you didn't need to survive), that makes you an entitled prick.

If you steal food, that's one thing.

If you steal a blanket to stave off the cold, that's one thing.

If you steal a video game to prove a political point, you're an entitled, whiny,

The EA departure from Steam was more closer to the dlc/steam wallet management by valve at the time of going heavy support with free to play games. Steam didn't allow for ingame purchase of dlc after that point unless it went through them so they could get a cut of that too. EA wasn't going to change existing games

How I imagine Steam Support would react to a pre-paid inquiry call:

I can answer that... steam has a history of not being efficient in dealing with developers when their product vanishes from the steam store (the ol' burn bridges scenario.) essentially in a EA situation several steam users were unable to play a version burnout paradise i think another ea game was involved too can't

I seem to be one of the very few people who doesn't have issues with Ubisoft games on PC. That and I had a windfall of cash and preemptively purchased a shitton of games.

Does no one else cook together as a couple? With our schedules, cooking is our social/fun time to catch up and work on something together. Seriously the highlight of my day. (That and Vodka Hour.)