Daria Morgendorffer

That said...I did enjoy her saying that Ann “Yard Sale Barbie” Coulter crawled out of her roach motel.

The cake should be a reward for after the anti-nazi rally. First the hard work THEN the dessert.

I’m surprised and kind of disappointed that I haven’t seen your type of analogy more in comments sections. I’ve seen a whole bunch of comments from people (who all happened to be white) saying, basically, that the Neo-Nazis, KKK, et al. we’re just using their First Amendment rights to proclaim their beliefs, and

I wonder how tomorrow’s meeting of the nazis will go in Boston i’m going to guess not well.

I want to shake your Papa’s hand he seems like a great man.

Cracks me up when a troll like SeanG is trying to get out of the greys. Sorry son, not gonna happen.

I will reserve judgement until the smoke clears on Monday.

What Fey did was just the white, liberal version of Trump’s “both sides” comments.

Being a fat white dude wearing a trucker hat was enough to convince them he was one of them.

The people who voted for Trump (even after he showed them his complete lack of morality) were actually voting for approval of their own personal dark nature.

Living in a giant golden tower no less.

It is bonkers to me that a many-times-over millionaire who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, brags about his Ivy League education, spent his life in liberal elite NYC AND has a long-ass history of just straight up not paying people he hired became the spokesperson for the working class. Just complete insanity.

You won’t have to ask him.

So they wrote this last year about the previous 40+ years he’d had in “business” - and that’s a media org on the other side of the pond

...Even as he himself did all those things... This is one thing I especially don’t get about Trump supporters: they think he’s a champion of the poor.

My Asian “redneck” ex-refugee immigrant friend voted for Trump. I am afraid to ask him what he thinks now.

I’m no Biden fan-girl, but to call these “Biden-esque” gaffs is so patently disingenuous that I just can’t. It’s just racist, narcissistic garbage. No gaffs here.

A little rough around the edges: