The change we’ve been waiting for is here.
My one and only problem with this article is the idea that racism has “returned” because of Trump. It hasn’t, because it never went away. Obama didn’t make racism magically disappear. Sure, racist scumbags have gotten more bold since the election, but let’s please not fool ourselves into thinking that we can blame…
I’ve read in a few places that the police forces that receive more/better de-escalation training have fewer police shootings with little/no impact on the number of police that are killed. Perhaps there’s a lesson to learned...
Of course they’re outraged at the indictment.
Law-enforcement officials say that a New York City police sergeant was arrested Wednesday in the shooting death of…
Former NAACP head Ben Jealous, backed by former Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, is expected…
Karla Homolka, who murdered and raped three teen girls with her boyfriend Paul Bernardo in the early 1990s, has been …
Dust off your protest signs, my pals, because our addled buffoon of a president is reportedly poised to shoot us all…
Trump administration’s plans to overhaul the Obamacare mandate on birth control coverage have long been expected.…
While in New York City for Governor’s Ball weekend, Lorde, a known witch, floated into Liquiteria on a cloud of…
The federal office that investigates universities accused of discriminating against female students—including…
Here’s what’s happened in the past 19 hours: perpetual try-hard Kathy Griffin tweeted a photo of herself holding an…
Donald Trump, a toddler who poses for pictures as if his hands were two very heavy Easter hams, is bad at almost…
Olivia Newton-John announced Tuesday that she has been diagnosed with breast cancer that has metastasized to her…
Coincidentally, this is also my very mysterious response when people ask why I am going all the way over to the…
In 2015, a grand jury decided not to bring charges against Timothy Loehmann and Frank Garmback for the death of…
When video artist Dara Birnbaum first exhibited Technology/Transformation: Wonder Woman (1978-79), it was seen as a “…
The bass notes were clipping, making that “crumbling sound”. You’re right, that’s just a really poor master and pretty much unlistenable. Since the source is bad it won’t matter what it play it on. It will always sound bad.