Thank you for sharing this. At every job I’ve had, co-workers have amused themselves by sneaking up to me whilst I`m really concentrating and making me jump right out of my seat once I notice them.
Thank you for sharing this. At every job I’ve had, co-workers have amused themselves by sneaking up to me whilst I`m really concentrating and making me jump right out of my seat once I notice them.
To me it looked like very hip Danish university graduates with Danish only mortarboards.
So Captain Kirk was what? Libertarian?”
SLEATER-KINNEY IS ON THE SOUNDTRACK. Plus amazing cast. This is a keeper DVD. That is all.
Thank you for this. My wife almost divorced me after my second long depression episode. She didn’t believe I was depressed, that I just hated my job. Fortunately she stuck it out, I changed my lifestyle to not stress myself out so much, mainly not let work and work fears rule my life. Exercise, meds, sleep, healthy…
Amy, you really shouldn’t encourage her. She a fame vampire.
My wife and I adopted and it was the best thing we ever did. Not easy, a very long process. Second adoption is even longer and no sign of coming through. Most countries (except eastern Europe and the far east) have now closed off adopting their orphans out of the country, which is heartbreaking. But its worth the work…
Isn’t doing drugs in a foreign land also “Idiots have money, will travel”??? a propos the Jezebel article a few weeks back...
It's a better name than January!!
Can Travolta get any creepier looking?
Can you post some pix of this PoS ex-lawyer please, so people everywhere can avoid him, avoid dating him, and avoid hiring him?
Despite my tag name of Daria (my fave independent thinking & speaking cartoon character), I'm a man who took a year paternity leave (I'm Canadian) when we had our daughter. I picked up the puke, poo, pee, took her to the appointments etc. I was the primary caregiver. Care is now equally split with my wife, but I still…
A slightly more polite version of Rob Ford methinks.
I can't stop staring at this bored, cynical monkey...
Sleazy Fake Boyfriend: Kathy Ford's numerous con/ex-con bfs
I look at smokers and think 'what complete losers', ruining their their health desperately trying to look cool. Is smoker-shaming still a thing? I've noticed smokers moving further away from doorways, so it must be working.
Has anyone seen Ted and Edna Boil's ads from Second City TV (SCTV) in the 80s? Just as bad as this, but satire. And yes, this was a Canadian show (Kelowna's in BC). It was a running theme. One of them ran off on the other, so Ted I think kept the commercials going himself.
I luv Daria. That is all.