What he said, I love LBP and have played all of the games on my Sony systems. How did this not live up to expectations?
What he said, I love LBP and have played all of the games on my Sony systems. How did this not live up to expectations?
I am sorry, you are correct....
I believe the answer to this questions headline is:
Who from Kotaku is going?
I will go check it out for you ;)
I was just going to post that! Come on Hamilton, show ToxicBunnies some love!
I hear this app is really popular in Germany.
I am in total shock, this is some of the saddest news I have heard. I listen to the Bombcast every week ever since Jeff was ousted at GameSpot. Ryan had such a great spirit on that show and such a warm perspective.
Thanks for the clarification!
So I am a bit confused about this. Is 400 Days just one new episode or a whole season of new episodes? I know that its a bridge between season 1 and 2, just not sure of the length of 400 days.
They're continuing to "support" Darkspore? Uh, when did they start?
Jokes aren't as funny if they need to be explained. Me = fail.
Always on connectivity for Zynga games! No thank you!
I watched the report off the link and it was infuriating, especially when after the piece they cut to the anchor and he said something to the effect of "Well my kids probably have a better idea of where the parental controls are then I do". I am getting real sick of old people saying "Well I don't understand…
Sorry if you have that impression, I understand they are different teams.
Oh your right, I am such a prude!
Can't wait for this, I have cleared out my fish log and I need more!
Sorry Tina, I was just listening to Tina sing Rolling on a River while playing Tina's DLC which is awesome but not as cool as Tina in 30 Rock (way better than Tina in Gilligan's Island)
Tiny Tina is racist against Oatmeal Raisin cookies.