In his defense like 90% of service members look fucking awful in their boot camp picture.
He is why I googled “Adam Driver Girls sex scenes” then ran to HBO Go and watched them all. Multiple times.
I think it’s that aggressive, awkward, raw but genuine honesty that Driver seems to have gift for delivering, verbally and non-verbally, in all of his performances. It’s rather passionate, and makes all of the pink parts happy.
He did the same sort of thing in “Girls”, too. He makes you uncomfortable, he’s a dick,…
I have to agree and I am 49.love him in tlj. I think because he is vulnerable like a puppy and he loves rey but is to immature to get his shot together. I want Rey to turn him to the good side . The sexy body is great but his love and vulneranility.is what makes him sexy.
#reylo memes are so excellent. I’m supposed to be an adult too but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I absolutely disliked Kylo and was on the #WheresRey train two years ago—and wrote hot takes about how stupid Disney was to try to frame KR as the protagonist of TFA, when REY obvs, is the one we identify with.
I am 100% lesbian, and am a complete and total Reylo fan, which is the gay girl version of thinking Ben the Ren is hot.
Umm Adam Driver has always been hot.
Hell. Fucking. Yes.
I’ve found Adam to be hot since Girls. Star Wars solidified it. There’s an intensity to him that makes him attactive to me.
YES on the bad-boy thing. Kylo Ren would be the best angry, hate-fuck of a ramming that everyone needs once in their life.
I feel like this has been a thing for awhile. I think my attraction to him was solidified with that Girls episode where he carries Lena Dunham’s stupid ass to the hospital. Because I’m a sucker and also because being me a fucked-up dude and I shall be attracted to him.
He’s attractive. And charming. The charming helps.
I am attracted to him.
He’s an easy target because it requires no work on anyone’s part. Just frothing outrage on Twitter and then move on.
Yes, he did. He also produced a documentary series highlighting how bad laws are at protecting indigenous rape victims. He has not only apologized but done the work to sincerely repent for his joke. And there are no accusations that he raped, harassed, or abused anyone. He made a tasteless joke about a scene he was in…
Unfortunately this is what happens when people try to nail every possible thing that can they can find offensive. Insensitive joke? yes. Ill intent? no. There is an enormous difference between actually doing something and joking about said thing.
This is the stuff that slows the momentum of movements and often ends up derailing them. We are seeing unrepentant rapists and molesters getting named and shamed, there are doubtless hundreds more to come and we’re going to waste time and energy over a joke that was made and apologized for 6 years ago?
Unless I’m mistaken, didn’t he already apologize years ago, soon after he made the joke? And educated himself on why it was a dumb joke to make?