I was being facetious. But there are mothers who use spanx ever while pregnant.
I was being facetious. But there are mothers who use spanx ever while pregnant.
Happy Belated Birthday Lupita!
Don't sweat it. I totally get like that too.
Get out of here faky pants.
We laugh, but she may have an inner ear problem....
It's all shellac and spanx believe me. They probably can't wait to look as pregnant as they feel.
I'm wearing my Lucky Charms t shirt which is v neck to apparently show my "lucky charms"
I can't believe I'm watching the Oscars! I kind off care this year....
Cetaceans should not be kept in tiny tanks and made to do flips and jumps for the public. They are social creatures beyond our wildest imaginations and they are intelligent enough to get pissed off and do some serious damage. Leave them alone I say, and watch them from a distance.
Omg I lovvvved that show! Gillian Anderson is amazing.
Lol you win!
It is a candy dish Ned, NINETY DOLLARS.
Racoons are not perfect, but how dare you call them horrible. They have little PAW HANDS.
Marilyn Monroe didn't shave her peach fuzz, so neither will I.
Oh ok thanks. That does make me a bit sad.
But how do you know he didn't do that, which caused him to apologize? You think this is all just about backlash? (I'm asking not telling)
How do you know it's real fur?
Do you remember that sketch with Mike Meyers on SNL Sprockets?
I know some people stopped loving Will Ferrell but I never have. Ever. I find him one of the funniest humans on earth.