
I think what makes Japanese really hard is it’s a “fuzzy” language. Basically, a single word can mean like 5 or 6 different things, which you identify based on context.

His article was idiotic, but I felt your response is not being constructive, so much as it is poking fun at his lack of understanding, it’s the difference between being a journalist or a comedian. Plus saying “y’all killed him” is acting as if every white person is evil because a white man killed MLK, which is

I didn’t use the words strategic or tactical and my comment wasn’t meant to be a serious academic work. You’re really better taking that criticism to Trump who I’m fairly sure doesn’t understand the difference between the two or just taking the stick out of your ass.

except that is exactly what they are...

It really bothers me the way people get sucked into the meta-narrative of a games development.

Hahaha oh wow he’s actually serious! :D Well if by any chance you’re not, congrats on a good prank I guess.

At this point I’m thinking he’s just doing a (late) joke of his own... I mean this seems a bit over-the-top stupid, doesn’t it? :P

How about the flipside though, can you “stand” this sort of reaction?

If you find any April fools “pranks” funny, then you probably are a trump voter and supporter.

No you’re pretty much alone

Just becuase the world doesn’t revolve around you or a few people who lacks a humour sense. People aren’t idiot because they don’t bow to your opinions you know?

Some of these developers actual go out of there way to add fun content to their games too.

You see, you say that now. But just wait a few years. Wait for April Fools Day to magically become “culturally insensitive to non-white people” then BAM, suddenly no more jokes.

Because nobody cares about people like you, now go back to your sad life and die alone.

Because people still have that light-hearted sense of humor that you seem to lack, Scrooge.

And I don’t want to hear a voice that reminds me that the actor thinks my race is inherently violent and criminal.

Cooool story, bro. 10/10 would ignore write butthurt reply ironically claiming that I’m ignoring you again.

What do you mean “would ignore again?” You didn’t ignore it. You posted a direct response to them. Do you know what “ignore” means?

Hey. Fuck you too.