
Oh you want Bill's Codec Number? It's on the back of the Gameboy Color case.

I just want a Pokemon game that explores wars in the universe

I think that's kind of the point dude. Capcom is just doing nothing with the license..so man is feeling a need. I love the fake Roll and Rush as well...just a huge fuck you to Capcom.

1- i never said i hate ff7, i just plain said it isn't good.
2- ff9... well i also didn't like it that much but it's good in it's own way because of Vivi
3- now i know why Jason listed it... he didn't want to deal with all this...

I am not sure what this has to do with being a hipster. I just in general don't get your joke. You are free to like what you like but when a game as slow, dated, and hyped as FF7 is there are going to be people who cannot stand it. I adore FF6 and every time I try to give FF7 another chance I find myself days into the

do you see that one line description ?
yeah... it was probably just listed so Jason don't have to deal with all the blind fanboys who like the game (which are a large number than those who actually know how awful it is)

I have to agree, it's very overrated and it didn't really bring anything new to the genre.

It was a good changer when it came out and it seems that it was the first good rpg that many ppl that played, but the game itself isn't good. It wasn't my first rpg or game, i didn't find it good when it came out and still don't, but blind fanboys can't understand that.

You know, if the list was any smaller: let's say, oh 15 JRPGs you must play. I'd totally omit FFVII. Given that there's a few tenuous substitutes on this list at best, it does fit.

FFVII is the most overrated game of all time IMO. It spends so long showing off it's graphics that the game play and story are so slow. I do however understand why it is on this list. If it wasn't he would never hear the end of it. The people who love it never shut up.

played all of them

The article is interesting and all, but I'll be honest - I clicked the post only because of the image. It earned the views.

Here's hoping Steven Seagal is cast as Naruto.

I don't have a problem with her stories, I have a problem with the actual video. You seem to have a problem with her, more specifically her off topic stories. I don't understand why though, Kotaku provided a solution for people like you long ago. Kotaku core.

Russia strong, remove kebab

Flawless Victory.

You win.

He should be careful. Swinging a sword around like that may cause a FATALITY.