Didn’t help that chat kept giving him mixed information . I don’t blame him with all the streams he put into it.
Didn’t help that chat kept giving him mixed information . I don’t blame him with all the streams he put into it.
You have the option to remove your catalog (sell? ) or keep it .
What do you think he does with the villagers. . . . 😦 The trade is real
They did acknowledge it and say there may be some stuff and mainly HDR support . Other than that , they aren’t 100% certain of anything else .
His stubble looks like some metallic looking spraypaint
Glad I’m not the only one who remembers this picture. Totilo playing a Wii-U AND sporting jean shorts in an airport... Where to begin! :P
I highly respect your opinion (even though it’s absolutely wrong) and I’m very impressed you are sticking with it (even though you shouldn’t.) :P
Damn, even game devs are wrecking you son. Should have quit while you were.... no you weren’t ahead, nevermind.
Where the hell is Green Jesus?
Holy. Shit. :-O
I think if Tommy Wiseau can accept his laughing stock of a job on The Room as one of the worst $6 million spent in the history of film, then I think Shaq can lightly brush past a poor venture into gaming.
I watch someone who plays games that are laughably bad. Like the movie The Room bad (which he also comically played the game version of too.) Things like that aren’t something I’d play or at least alone. It’s very interesting and fun to socially join in on the commentary of the game. He’s also a very genuine and…
Meh, I can live without electricity for another month.... or two..
Instead of there being “the Cloud” it’ll just be “The Blizzard” which sounds more like an unreliable data server.
4 of those minutes involve bearing Harambe jokes, #Trump/Hillary 2016 spam, and “anal [item name]” crap. A very long 5 minutes.
Most of the side Ops are coop and it’s almost mandatory for a lot of the late game bosses especially if you want to stealth run those bosses for the best unlocks. Also, coop monster hunter missions.
He literally just told you that it’s because Frank Pritchard, a significant character from the HR, is in it. There is no footage of the new content yet and this is a reminder for fans of HR. What's the big deal?