
I mean, if I was into the fleshy fun flute I probably would.

Oh god, for the last few days I couldn’t stop thinking about how Weepingbell is probably the Fleshlight of the Pokémon universe. Poor thing.

Now playing

Think this was already done in SSBB Infinite along with a ton of other insane character additions


Yes, because Jesus was *totally* white.

That dude in the blue suit with the helmet TOTALLY looks like Totillo .

Not only did I gag when I saw the art, I gagged when I read your comment.


morbid af

It’s as if the concept of a satire was made for people like you. You know, the ones who actually take it seriously.

Basically, Flint is at a campfire with the boys and the other villagers, and someone brings the unfortunate news and Flint gets violent.

Gruesome death scene? You don’t even see it happen. If anything it’s just depressing. The only changes I can think of would be some of the music per legal issues and MAYBE stuff with the Magypsies or whatever...especially with the VERY awkward scene with Lucas and one of them in the hotspring.

Haha, I love ephemeral rift. He puts so much effort in his Lovecraftian stuff.

Yea...might not be ASMR if it’s off putting. The brain is a hard thing to diagnose, but hopefully it’s nothing bad. Might be worth the effort to get that looked at if it’s bothering you.

Does it feel good? So far research hasn’t shown ASMR to have the same neurological signs as a seizure. Being slightly epileptic myself, I don’t feel it as the same feeling i might have when I get the sensation of an oncoming seizure. That’s a rather unpleasant and scary feeling. ASMR is a relaxing feeling with neurons

Confused if I shouldn’t be laughing at this. Either way, it made my day.

Lip smacking bothers me as well, but I can’t judge what works for someone. Hearing someone whisper works better in real especially since you don’t need an uncomfortable headset or earphones of sorts

ASMR can be visual as well so that certainly seems like it works that way for you. There are a ton of different types whether it be RP, sounds, visual cues, or situational.

I actually wonder if his noises are a trigger for anyone. inb4 Tingle balloon rubbing videos.

So because you take it out of context it’s dumb? Oh, you dear sweet summer child.