
As a hetero dude I think his ass looks good, so I guess that's something awkwardly good about your post.

I will say the pipboy edition was a contributor to me pre-ordering it, but I do have the same feelings as you. Hopefully FFIX will be a good pick-me-up if the port goes the route everyone wants (HD backgrounds and loading times.)

Fury Road was probably one of the most pleasant surprises that year. That's how you make a modern sequel to an old(er) movie.

Michael Bay seems to be competing for that title too.

The closest thing that N64 had to an RPG that I liked was Hybrid Heaven, and that game is just ok at best.


I fell in love with the game, but I cannot stand most of the fanbase. It can be pretty toxic. I’m glad I went into the game completely fresh with no expectations or hype. I loved it, but it’s not everyone’s cup of spaghetti. Just try and ignore everything around the game and play it for what it is.

Haha, there are people actually thought the puzzles were hard? They weren’t even designed to be.

I believe they are actually called friendliness pellets. Gosh...

I agree. 90% of streamers I find annoying. I like Joel from Vinesauce and that’s about it.

I haven’t gotten to a point with vertibirds yet, but it looks like it was already crashing when one of the engines was shot out, and looked like the deathclaw barely fell short of it too. Cool effect though! Reminds me of the force push to a trooper into a Tie Fighter in Battlefront.

Here you go handsome.


V.A.T.S attacks with joke for a 0% hit chance on [The Internet.]

What’s this about 4p coop for Majora's mask?

All Final Fantasy games in the same universe confirmed.

I finished it once during the slow PS2 seasons and I haven't been able to finish it again. Mostly just those same reasons, but I see it being far more enjoyable with those being fixed. With current society becoming more and more faster paced, it's hard to waste excessive time on load and needless encounters.

Totally didn’t know what Quinoa's name was based off of until the recent grain trend over the last few years.

Character resolutions and legit anti-aliasing.

Now playing

That’s how I feel about Megalovania. Attached to an appropriate boss as well.