
Looks like, yeah :D

Yeah, dude probably won’t see the underside of a bunkbed before he croaks.

Sure, hippies suck; but dreadlocks on a wyperson isn’t blackface. It’s just a fucking haircut.

It’s Far Cry. It’s poor people killing simulator. This time the poor people are fundamentalist christians instead of pirates, farmers or mercenaries.

Looks like the exact same game we’ve played three or four times before...

It’s really sad :(

Last couple times I was flying I did so completely toasted. I’m guessing nobody noticed?

Well no shit.

Your republicans seem like uniformly awful people.

Yeah that was a bit misleading (not to mention confusing as hell.)

I’m with Fiesta on this one. Get over it ;)

I’m just saying. I’ve never owned an NES when I was a kid, so I don’t know. It’s just weird that it would look like an analog stick, when it isn’t.

So it’s not a real analog stick, if it only recognizes 4 directions plus diagonals.

The costume, make-up, and generally production design of this movie is fantastic! Can’t wait to see it.

Thoughts and prayers you guys. Now, who wants to buy a new gun?

He’s being diplomatic.

I love how fucking Twitter seems to be an official platform for political discourse in the US now.

Necro comment: latch onto it with grappling hook, proceed to punch it to death. I got an exosuit and a big-ass submarine. Hell, I got a fucking matter replicator/converter in my pocket. Who’s the apex-predator now, crabsquid?

Really loved the game and just now saw this whole thing. I say good on them for firing the guy, he sounds like a dumbass.

So the hope is... what? That we can bring people back from the dead in the future? These people are kidding themselves.