
The fastest version of the last of a breed of a fairly popular car?

It'll be a classic.

The Renfe rail system is amazing compared to what we have in the US. A lot of the system was constructed within the last 10 years so it's in-your-face smooth and modern. My wife and I rode the Madrid-Toledo line about 9 months ago and it was superb; hard to imagine this being caused by poorly-maintained vehicles or

Watched it live and literally jumped. Best play I've seen this year, period.

He traveled.

it's just Barry's crazy new swimming cap.

"Guys, holy shit... I think these mushrooms might be a little bit too strong."

Sam Cassell has finally brought his people to Earth.

If you're going to be a cunt at least be funny.

It is a tattoo.

So not only is Hernandez a murderer, even worse, he's a snitch.

What an asshole. He should be ashamed to show his face in public.

"20 yards long, 2 lanes wide! Sixty-five tons of American pride!"

"Remember kids: Don't stick your dick in crazy."

You know what they say- you can take the girl outta Baltimore, but you can't take the HOLY SHIT, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES

At least it looks like there was a meth o.d. to her madness.

I guess that is a good map to find where to park my crystal-meth lab/RV. (if I ever build one)

Interesting. When I heard a retired athlete was going to be spending time in the minors 'round rock, I naturally just assumed it would be Lawrence Taylor.

"AAA Round Rock"