
Did you actually see the batshit stuff Sajak said?

A sports league commissioner who seems to actually be a very cool dude. What is this world coming to? But seriously, it's an awesome gesture.

American "news" media is fucking awful. Breaking news here.

And we can thank all the asshole bros doing 50 in a 30 while texting for ruining it for the rest of us. Man, fuck those guys.

Gonna be honest, this is pretty awesome.

Pff. Commies. Everyone knows you need a gigantic, #manly SUV that gets 3 miles per gallon to tow anything more than a spare tire.

You're a fucking idiot.

The 8 people who starred this are fucking morons. Why are we getting into a conflict between Russia and Ukraine? Seriously, other than "YEAH BRO MERRICUH RULES BRO", what's the point? Let the EU grow a pair and deal with this shit. We're done fighting other people's wars.

MOAR TORQUE is always awesome. I know electric motors don't have the cool sound of a V8, but the raw torque from 0 RPM is so worth it.

Since they all have paranoid fantasies of shooting gubment agents coming to take their guns, the term applies.

I can't help but wonder if Massa's brakes failed there. He rammed into Perez hard. Even without the wreck, tremendous ending to the race. I would've loved to see Massa get by Perez and challenge Vettel for 3rd place on the last lap.

LOL what?

Oh good lord. What the fucking LOL is this shit. Internet tough guys are the best. And I didn't call you Sully, Fitzy.

What was the actual number that were positive? Where is this from? Anyways, yea, I don't buy the whole "well he had to have been one of the few false results" thing. I mean the guy developed super-human power and played with other guys who used it (Sox and Yankees seemingly had a decent share of users), and his excuse

Yes, I'm clearly jealous of Boston. Tell me again how you're any better than Yankees fans. The fact that you're convinced you're owning me or whatever says it all about how big a dipshit you are. If you're gonna troll, at least go all the way, not this half-assed childish shit you started with followed by an attempt

Again, I'm not saying he's worse than anyone else who did it, but he probably did it, because *almost everyone was doing it* and he didn't fail the damn test by accident. It wasn't all of baseball who failed, it was 100-103 (I've seen different numbers) guys who failed. I don't think steroids magically made him

Thanks for reminding us all why nobody likes sports bros, you troll.

I don't see why he gets the benefit of the doubt that nobody else does. Mike Piazza and Jeff Bagwell have the steroids label attached to them by the media as punishment for even playing in the steroid era. I'd love to pretend Ortiz is different and all...but no. Everybody was doing it, his BFF Manny was doing it, and

Well, he tested positive, and he was a shitkicking nobody who turned into Barry Bonds Lite overnight, so there's that. I don't get why people have this thing where Ortiz and only Ortiz *must* be innocent, but everyone else is guilty regardless of a positive test or not if their name is even mentioned in the same

Oh look, a thundercunt troll appears!