
Sane people should care. The state politicians repeated the threats of work loss on a daily basis. That's called fucking with an election. It isn't a fair election if a third party comes in and starts spreading bullshit. The issue was among the workers, UAW and VW. VW was fine with it.

What ideals? VW was already planning to give them production of their new CUV. What's the issue here?

I'd be pissed off, too, if the actual company employing the workers was fine with unionization but local right-wing politicians constantly threw out threats of loss of work to influence the election.

Just like GM shit the bed for two decades because of "unions" and not because they made awful cars and assumed their base would buy them just because they were American. Right?

VW already works with unions in Germany. They don't give a shit. The factory was going to get more production regardless.

How was this election even legal? You had VW saying they were fine with it and instead state politicians threatening workers and straight up lying about VW not giving the factory a new production model. The hell kind of bullshit is this?

They're fundamentalists. They're always pissed. What else is new.

You sound like a very reasonable person.

NBC are scared shitless of "offending" bigots, so they had to edit it out. Though, considering the bathroom situation in Sochi, I can't blame them.

I have no joke here. Kay is a piece of shit. He is YES's version of Bayless, Cowherd and Reilly rolled into one Goebels-like fanboy package. He is truly awful in every conceivable way.

I didn't know how Pete Carroll felt about setting buildings on fire and demolishing them until today.

These bros somehow think Sherman gives a shit. He just won a ring, I doubt he's heartbroken.

Yes, Christie cronies who run the agency. I feel I've made that pretty clear.

The problem is NJ Transit, which is run by incompetent assholes.

Congress, the SEC and DoJ have allowed banks to engage in fraud to rob people of paid-for homes, and allows the NSA, FBI and CIA to do their thing. Why would they make an exception for this? These abuses would never affect them, since they're powerful people.

Alright, I'll bite.

Like I said in my post, Christie cronies. Also, by that logic, none of the awful shit he's done was done "directly." Same can be applied to bridge, the extortion in Hoboken, the cancelling of the ARC tunnel project. Others did it on his behalf so it's all good.

I don't know, what could possibly go wrong with increasingly insane US police departments, trolling spy agencies, and corrupt financial institutions who like to engage in fraud having the ability to strand you in the middle of nowhere.

Except that banks and collectors in the U.S. have a tendency to foreclose and and repossess things that a) have already been paid off long ago, or b) never financed with them in the first place. So yeah, I don't want some asshole at a collections agency stopping my car in the middle of a frozen winter because they

NJ Transit, also full of Christie cronies, BTW. These are the same folks who let a couple of hundred million worth of equipment drown during Sandy because moving equipment to higher land might suggest Christie in some way believes in science, and that's a no-no.