
What song is that?

I've got the weirdest boner right now

Combat Axes*

I can't wait for Saturday when I get to feel like a real Canadian again... the lockout has been brutal. You know what's great about basketball, football and baseball highlights in the morning? Nothing, not a single thing.

What your school is teaching you is so very very wrong.

Should I not feel entitled to something as simple as a name change? Since I've been buying their games for 10+ years and, besides asking for a rollback on my account after getting hacked once, have not asked any special requests of Blizzard. I let my cousin onto my account for one day and he changed my BattleTag.

This is bullshit. I accidentally changed my name last year while playing Diablo 3 and couldn't change it back. Now its stuck to something godawful and I still can't change it, but if you own Starcraft II you can? This is the reason I have barely picked up D3 since, and the reason I will continue to not play it.

The Steam Box sounds better and better everyday.

I literally just started a new Single-Player game a couple hours ago and there is a Second Wave button on the difficulty screen already. Definitely some cool options that spice up your game. I'm enjoying it so far

Look at all these games I won't play. Just look at em!

I don't see how this game looks like Left 4 Dead other than it being in first person and there being zombies. Left 4 Dead your fighting crazy swarms of sprinting zombies and you could mow them down easily. It seems to me like these slow shambling zombies are much harder to kill as you probably have limited guns/ammo

The Left 4 Dead Bundle's kind of pointless, all of the maps and characters from Left 4 Dead 1 are already in 2.

No love for The Amazing Spider-Man #700? Come on guys, this very well could be the last time we see an ASM comic for... a year and a half at most.

I've done this a couple times now actually. Each time I burst into uncontrollable laughter

Forget all of this, take Alpha Brain you silly bitches. Nootropics are the future

I can attest to this. The Children's Crusade was one of my favorite books of the year

When I roll my joints I make a filter like that. Its just so the side your smoking through doesn't get oily and close up/get wet from the moisture of your mouth and close up. Its up to the roller if they wish to incorporate a filter at all.

Woaaah there. The latest Punisher movie wasn't half bad. I thought Ray Stevenson was a much better Punisher then Thomas Jane. War Zone was actually pretty badass.

I wonder why I even go on Reddit anymore. Everything from there ends up on Gawker eventually.