If Lego came out with a Marvel Universe game I would be so in.
Hes not even trying!
Hulk wins. Doomsday is basically a grey hulk and we all know how that turned out.
I didn't think of this until last night reading Whedon's run of Astonishing X-Men, but maybe its a Breakworld invasion!
Please please please let it be Flash Thompson as Venom. New Venom is the ultimate badass
I would literally kill for a remake of Atamica Desert, or El Alamein.
I understand why forever alone
Scar-Jo is a better Black Widow anyways. I can't think of many people that could fit the role as well as her tbh. I really do wish she would have a Russian accent though.
Is Valve teasing us again with more HL3 references? Check out the crowbars in #2
If Valve can pull off an affordable console I'm more than willing to throw my money at them. I've had nothing but fantastic service right from day 1 with Steam. I especially like they won't be charging people to make games for their console. Valve continuously pumps out AAA titles and a digital service that trumps…
Rhino won't be in the movie
Anyone know when the next Ultimates issue is out?
I'm so happy Dan Henderson is in this game. I had limitless amounts of fun throwing that giant overhand right in EA MMA, it annihilated people. Long live the H-Bomb and all its glory.
I haven't played any of the Resident Evil games in a long time, I think the last one I beat was Resident Evil 0 for Gamecube, fantastic game by the way.
I want one of these so badly now