Dances With Squids

That is because they have a funded highway program with deep pockets and high expectations. Our leaders don’t value investment in infrastructure so you don’t have any accountability in the long run. You can get that here here to but it will cost you and even then the leadership have to make it a priority or be

Fuck Off. How the fuck are we supposed to pay for the god damned space force you tool.

I’m in favor of a law that allows anyone who has been on the moon full permission to punch moon-hoaxers in the face, repeatedly and at will.

Way to go, Buzz!

Taxes are a necessary evil, but an evil, nonetheless.

“Taxes are inherently good...”

Your comment has been my second-hand impression of these cars.  What I love though is reading the comments from lifelong Nissan fans extolling the car’s reliability and build quality.  Clearly they’ve never left the Nissan corner of the world, but it’s so cute to see.

Former Infiniti G35 owner here with a strong message - fuck these cars. Here is list of the fun stuff I had to deal with during my ownership - absolute crap interior quality, particularly the paint on the plastics. Mine was black, but the paint was so thin that it scratched off to reveal the lovely grey primer

The Infiniti bros outnumber everyone else.

This is the car of every late 20's/early 30's junior finance bro that wants a BMW but can’t afford the lease. We have enough here for a small used car lot.

If seizing assets went through the courts, the due process would satisfy the 14th Amendment equal protection clause.

Asset forfeiture is a scandal and a travesty. If conducted at all it should be court-approved and paid into the state like taxes, not used as an individual sheriff’s personal or departmental slush fund.

He threatens blah with sanctions. They give him something on the DL. He either changes his mind immediately about the sanctions, or doesn’t.

He’s getting bribed to destroy these trade partnerships by way of off-shore funds into Trump Org.  I’d give you a hint who is benefiting from all this chaos, their metals exports just went up, and the “ow er" of the company is under sanctions.

“We are not a damaged brand,” Diaz told Jalopnik in a wide-ranging interview at our New York offices. “We haven’t done anything wrong, we haven’t made any big fiasco mistakes or have any black eyes [...”

Now playing

Ahem, Mack. You’ve forgotten the most important thing whenever we mention a Beluga...

I was 45 when that happened and *I* lost my shit, too!

It’s so funny how people lost their shit about that - it’s so commonplace now.  Ah, the good ol’ days.