
These books are terrific, and it looks like he’s completely nailed the vibe. Cannot wait!

This is the model for all franchises now; they are all prequels with nothing effectual or important actually happening in the installment you are watching; they are simply ads for the next installment. I get to the end of these films and think ‘if I hadn’t seen that, but instead started with the next one, would it

Sorry to disagree, but 40% reshoots are definitely a movie in crisis - that is an absolutely disastrous number, and completely abnormal.

The reason that studios whitewash characters for Western audiences is simple: they are risk-averse investors, and Johansson stands a better chance at making more money for them then someone who is not famous; If there were a Japanese actress who was so famous in America that they could depend upon her popularity to

The next film should list the Coen brothers as casting directors.

No worries: there are only two outcomes. 1) something bad which will be forgotten and gave no impact on the original, like Butch and Sundance the Early Years, or 2) something good that we will be psyched with. Who cares if it’s bad?

Very nice work across the board, and a great bit of worldbuilding.

Ugh. That sadly makes his movies make a lot of sense.

Her story was so compelling I can’t wait to see what happens next for her character!

Two words: Nick Offerman.

Avatar just ripped off its plot and characters from another movie - that’s why I hate it so much!

I hear what you’re saying, but realistically, unless they’re planning on destroying all the prints of the original show in the bargain (not unprecedented - see the original Gaslight) — it doesn’t actually matter. There are only two outcomes, one more likely than the other: 1) it’s not that great and within a couple of

The first two films, especially The Empire Strikes Back, are extremely well made — and that’s become its own problem. Virtually every other film, TV show, or book in the series is pretty lousy, but our love for it has kept us watching — until Star Wars as a franchise is now largely defined by watered-down callbacks

the artificial mind
the ghost within

Take your time, George. I’m happy to wait for a good book.

Did anyone notice Star Wars: The Force Awakens is an anagram for As Fans Recreate What Works?

What a jerk for making something we all loved and then also having his own opinion about it when we try to replicate what he did, and then act like we made it up. Man, I tell you, some people.

When will Hollywood break the stylistic stranglehold that LOTR and Harry Potter have over fantasy filmmaking? If they can’t manage something fresh, I’d at least like to have something that feels like Excalibur or Dragonslayer. Break it up a bit, people!