
I’m not offended that the main actor is Japanese I am just confused as to why this was not shot in German with German actors. FMA takes place in a country that, even in the original TV show was a DIRECT analogue for Germany.

black friday will be the day of HDR

kof too

just get VIDEOBALL. Its always on sale! (not really but it is inexpensive and a good time!)

thankyou for reading my mind w this one

and so the prophecy has come to pass

what!? I *explodes

I think she should stay support. Add a turret feature wherein she can not only add shields on top of existing shields but also add a turret buddy that follows team mates around. Like a mag from PSO. Maybe even give her an additional ult. Perhaps a flying drone or even the ability to make multiple turrets for a short

I JUST bought resident evil in the humble bundle and I already own transformers. dang. good list though!

Hells yeah! Volume one was great. Volume 2 is going to be great.

so sick

I dont think I had any classes with him at SVA where we both went for college. Had some mutual friends and saw him at parties. He was all anyone could talk about in the cartooning department as far as people who could actually make anything resembling a real comic. Glad he is still making books.

technical issues and that equipment limit aside the game sounds really fun. Perhaps this could be like a Dark Souls 1 on PC situation where a simple fan mod fixes these issues? Somehow this article sold me on this game.

Yeah nailed it. Everyone can quit now.

I watched the first 12 minute preview that is up on Youtube.... So many fade to black transitions, so many characters calling for eachother. Seems like a 14 year old would like it maybe.

Not in any particular order but I tried to keep it before I got a Dreamcast in High-school (9/9/99 never forget)

Its actually Frog Fractions 2.

I already want this. I dont even know why. I just do.

At the end of the video Zenyatta meditates and plays a little song with his Balls (ah jeez) but here me out. They have odd tones and the Omnic Language symbols pop up. MAAAAAAAAAAYBE its a cypher or code for some new Sombra stuff. Go internet Go!

good flip she nailed it. Should have had opaque goggles.