
OH man everyone looks great! That Lucio is pretty top tier.

yeah the headline just made me click on it because, by default i was like “nuh uh, stop it” and I stand by my immediate horrible sounding instant reaction.

Sombra any day now! I can feel it!!!

I will hold out until Monster Hunter is announced.

lol NX is just listed there as is.

aaaaaaaaand then Nintendo makes last minute changes that ruin this preview image. Happened last time just saying.

is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, escape from reality.

this was my vote too. However the PS4 does look REALLY slick. Honestly the Xbox One S looks very nice as well if not a little utilitarian.

Why is the combat in this a bunch of garbage? Its just a who has the higher numbers game combined with elemental hierarchy? I have yet to fight anything but now I’m not sure I want to.

replace sudden death with “Doomfist” mode where there is a doomfist and whoever gets it is overpowered but slower than normal. You can pass the Doomfist but only as a rocket punch that does damage but if you miss it could get picked up by enemy team.. Blizzard pleas give me 100000 dollars.

what if they called it “Project Akira” and made it some type of legacy technology stolen from the japanese during ww3

just read the manga. this new show is ugly

Having read the manga and watched the new films and the 90s anime (partially) I am VERY disappointed with the tone and quality of this new anime. It has some of the cheapest CG I have seen since Kingdom. I can understand why they went the CG route as they have a lot of ground to cover but it still is off putting. The

3 movie looks so much better than the first. This tv series is super ugly.

hopelessly addicted to Puzzle and Dragons. I play it every day. Real prg boss battle planning with way more than simple match 3 gameplay. Seriously give it a try!


a cliff and lucio

Yeah I’m surprised he doesnt just have a huge house like Kim.com at this point.

I drew an issue of the comic mini series and never got any copies! They had this game playing in VR at their booth at NYCC a few years ago and I’m SO GLAD I didnt play it as PINK EYE was in full effect at that con.