I understand that it is early early early but they need to fix that combat. Looked real bad! Maybe even make it an action game like monster hunter.
I understand that it is early early early but they need to fix that combat. Looked real bad! Maybe even make it an action game like monster hunter.
Season 5 was JUST added to Netflix and I watched the first 3 episodes with my GF but I might cheat and watch the whole thing tonight while im painting. BUT ANYWAY, i love how that little kid in the video is an amazing draftsman
i did a bunch of art on this new Robotech RPG Tactics tabletop game. You seen that yet?
that would cost WAAAAAY too much unless maybe they did it just for this show and Only for the decks used. In standard there are many repeats so perhaps it could work. Motion Graphics are made at a premium for television.
I wish the whole movie was like this. Not joking.
Tim, we have emailed. We have done cursory business. Ill buy your game to possibly support myself in the future.
if they could televise this with High resolution motion graphics and card descriptions similar to how NFL players stats are displayed in between plays this could really be something.
Whoa!!! I dont even play starcraft and I want that!
That Vita Monster Hunters is all i want to hear about. Us version of MHFG might be nice though.
how are these mice? The Mad Catz Cyborg? Do they break quickly? Ive never had a mouse break on me.
yeah ive seen that wierdness. ah whaaaaaaat?
we have to go back! Blizzard make a turn based starcraft!
much of this is incorrect! "aiuuken? your cooking with gas?" Its hadoken you noob. did you know that in 1987 the first....... (forever and ever)
Damn Rigalians sneaking into yet another game.
Who's Lucille 2? I never met her.
the....... the matrix?
you are thinking of Spiral. Shiva is Cable's clone i believe
What about Shiva? Hes kinda Cable.