A few weeks ago, I realized something strange and kind of disconcerting: I enjoy E3 press conferences more than…
A few weeks ago, I realized something strange and kind of disconcerting: I enjoy E3 press conferences more than…
If you've ever just looked up at the sky while playing a Borderlands game you might've noticed the big H-shaped,…
Borderlands Salvador genderbending by Its Raining Neon. Photo by Cozpho.
Aww, thanks. It's my first time on the roundup.
Hey Squall, did you hear? Your game's on Steam now.
Back at youse, lady.
And this is why I like you.
Yes. Yeeeesssss. I'm glad Kotaku still does their TAY, even if sometimes it feels ghettoed. We should probably figure out a way to provide pictures for Evan and Tina every day, though. Seem to get more hits when that happens.
Rumor has it that in the Japanese version of X/Y the ghost girl says something so unsettling it has caused children to vomit uncontrollably for hours.
Anytime, Dam! =)
Our publisher, Nick Denton, has a restless desire for improvement and for challenging the status quo of how news and opinion is presented online. That results in lots of revamps to commenting, layout and so on. They move us toward a better and better place in terms of presenting strong editorial content, better and…
The Kickstarter campaign for Mighty No. 9, a new Mega Man game in all but name, just closed. It made so much money…
"25. Green"
Evan, you cheeky bastard. I love you! :)
I'm going to miss the Ice Cold Water guy if he doesn't move to DC with the con in 2017.