
Meagan Marie: being the voice of reason since...forever? She’s so brilliant in her writing.

Good luck with everything! We’ll miss you here, but hopefully you’ll still be around once and a while. :)

I’ve been playing through all the free Artifex Mundi games on Amazon Underground. There are so many and I find myself staying up late to play them. Somehow it’s one in the morning, but I just have to finish that next puzzle...and that next one...

Sure they can. Kids lie about that stuff all the time.


You can’t have poo in Mario Maker, but you can say fuck in Miitomo. Smh...

Why not both?

Let us not forget Ronda is a Pokemon fan. Make it happen Rousey! :P

The Diaz brothers aren’t really in a fight until they’re bleeding.

Definitely that last sentence. I’m not sure he could have been champ, but I think trying to be something he wasn’t, screwed him just as much.

Are you suggesting Connor didn’t really train? Or that kicks would’ve won? Kicks are probably the easiest way for for Diaz to grab a leg, drop McGregor to the ground, and submit him. He’s done it numerous times.

My husband always says the reason Kenny Florian was never champ was he forgot who he was in title fights. He would fight like other people, mostly the one I remember was like GSP. There is a reason fighters with unique talents make it. Forgetting why you are what you are seems to lead to losing.

A Labyrinth game. It’s perfect for an RPG. Sara, Ludo, Hoggle, and Sir Didamis (I’m sure I butchered his poor furry name.) banding together to take down Jereth. How cool would that be?!

Ooooo...burn! :D

I doubt it. UFC fighters actually get paid very little in comparison to wrestlers and boxers. He will make bank for MMA fighters though. Plus, I’m sure people will want to give him endorsement deals. He’s so charismatic.

Some of the Muay Thai shorts are slit, but then they continue to rip throughout the fight. I wish I could remember which fight it got really bad in, but literally the shorts were ripped up to the waistband.

It was a joke. Saying I’m stupid just means you didn’t get it. Sorry.

Oh, he’s in good shape. I just don’t like him in the UFC.

A list for your list:

I wish I knew what all of these were from. Such amazing maps.