
Did no one thank you today?! What a bunch of slackers! :P

I'm just some TAYer that never comments on here, but in the year and a half I've been reading Kotaku, you've been one of my favorite authors. You make my weekends better, fun, and entertaining.

Thanks as always for posting this! :)

Thanks as always! And especially for linking my post as well today. :)

Thanks Tina for supporting us! :)

It's that time again: THANK YOU EVAN!!! You are the best!!

Thanks you for writing this Tina! (I'm not sure I thanked you yet. It's horrible. I'll try to do better.)

"One of those?" Are you making fun of me?!

Have you gone nutty, Dcotor Furby? You know you're talking to yourself.

It's time for my "Whenever I remember, I really need to do a better job with this, Has it been two weeks already" thank you! So Thank You Evan! We at TAY appreciate you! :)

Since I have no idea what will go on tomorrow, I want to thank you and every other Kotaku overlord who wrote this "blip" everyday or linked our stuff or just talked about us in an article. It's because of you guys that I found TAY and became part of it's amazing community. So THANK YOU! :D

What a great episode!

I've been slipping on the thanking, so Thank You! We appreciate you taking time to put this up everyday!

Ummm...I'm a her, so it would be her XBox. :)

Thanks! :)

Gonna be "that" person again...Morie didn't write the GameStop piece, Yourmotherisaclassylady did.

Thanks, as always, for the TAY love! And for linking me too. :)

Is that $75 per time? Because I would owe you for yesterday too. :D

Thanks for keeping up with TAY Heroes/Zeroes pieces and including us. It's been fun reading how everyone views things. :)

Missed that one. And thanks for getting me out of the gray zone. :)