
She was born in 1965, little boy. How is that young?

We wake up wondering the same thing, too.

Ilona Andrews’s Kate Daniels series. Lois McMasters Bujold’s Vorkosigan saga or her Chalion series. K.J. Charles’s Magpie Lord series.

I’m so impressed by you. You’re my new hero. Thank you.

Last week or last month, somewhere on another forum, my mother probably said something like ‘I don’t know how I lost her. I loved her and raised her right and now she’s this lefty liberal in Boston.’

Kill kill kill kill

I would absolutely bang The Mooch. I’m a fat middle aged woman with short hair and I write porn. I would bang him while i was being being super dominant and record the whole thing and release the video and he would have to resign because Trump would be so disgusted by him. I would do this all on the hopes that the

Listen, Moochie. I can call you Moochie, right? I think you’re great. Let’s just make a couple of tweaks. First, you need to bulk up. Like four inches to each bicep, minimum. I’m going to need you to get a little job done on your chin, it’s sorta dolphin-ish. Lifts in the shoes, obviously. And shove this sock down

I feel so .... FUNKY.

My kid’s costumes weigh more than her regular clothes and I sewed them all myself. I watch worbla armor tutorial vids for fun, draft my own patterns, and have sewed an Appa costume for my 6'5" husband to go with her Katara costume. And I wouldn’t go to a costume-required wedding.

Are you willing to leave your sexuality outside the church? No more weddings, for example? No more listening the to church’s teaching on infidelity? If you’re not willing to do that, why should people who aren’t like you?

Only Evans will do for me.

As someone who has had a mi​scarriage, I hope that soulless reptoid-wannabe dies in a fire.

When I get a yard, I will grow a similar assortment, assuming they take to espaliers

In my entire life, I have never been sad to not live in Texas until this story. And it’s passed.

Recently i was under extreme pressure and decided to re-watch it as a way of relaxing. It’s a great show. Up til that last fucking season and I got all angry again.

You’re dead on. My mom is one of the 53 percent. She’s is so terrified of POC that she honestly doesn’t seem to understand that she’s voting against her self interest. It’s as if, as long as she can stay in her all white suburb, far from black or brown people, she doesn’t care that her health care and pension are

I read the book at an impressionable age. I opted, for mental health reasons, not to watch it in 2017.


I have a fairly big butt (and belly!) andI can sit like a human being.