
I don’t know why but when she said “fluffy” I immediately pictured this from Dharma Trading Co. It’s intended as a blank for tie dying (my kid, she loves the tie dye) but it’s a lovely white dress as it is, if a bit .... fluffy:

The seamstress I work with sometimes once pulled together a formal (like super formal, white tie, not even kidding there are five sitting senators at this wedding) flower girl dress for my little girl in about four weeks. Now, I’m pretty sure my 7 year old requires less fabric than Ms. Jones, but she did have SEVEN

RIGHT?! (Err... spoilers from here on out). they really glossed over the parents’ grief but when I saw all the trails of shells leading back to the house and that they were still working on the trails, I swear to god I nearly howled out loud “THIS IS A TERRIBLE SAD MOVIE WE ARE LEAVING NOW!” Clearly the movie is about

I am an old and do not understand WHY you kids these days use this phrase for non-Helen Mirren-related news but I DO know that this is the perfect place for the phrase: YAAAAAAASSSSS QUEEEN! Two of my favorite things, together AT LAST!

Alas, and I’m heartbroken to tell you this, you’re wrong. Women all over the world get attacked with acid every day and it rarely makes news there or here. Right now a friend of the family is trying to deal with getting his cousin face and eyes reconstructed after she suffered an acid attack in Kenya. (Her go-fund-me

I send my (white) daughter to an urban school where she’s distinctly in the minority. It’s a Charter school, though.

Umm... not to sound alarmist, but I hope that you A. took screen shots and saved them B. sent him a “no contact” message C. unfriended and blocked him on all social media?

Oh.... That seems deeply unfair to Anna. We’d all have to chip in for her therapy or chocolate fix or something. Maybe they could rotate the job among staff members?

Don’t forget that the ACA was modeled on our health care reform, too!

Yes. I misunderstood which is why I apologized.

It’s a little your fault that you weren’t clear on WHICH legislation.

I’d assumed when you were talking about legislation, you were referring to Obama’s recent action. Sorry I misunderstood you.

No. The problem DID exist, you just didn’t hear about it. You have never talked to all the trans* folks who got harassed and beat up and abused when they tried to use the bathroom. You’ve never had to help a friend find a safe space in a conservative neighborhood when he suddenly needed a toilet ‘cause he ate a street

True story: I and my “Golly Gee Those are GIANT” G-cups are at a party. A woman who is a size 0 or something (tiny tiny woman) is sitting next to me complaining about the fact that big-breasted women show off their cleavage *all the time*! Her sneer was surpassed only by her condescending scorn.

You can totally buy button up shirts tailored by cup size. They are spendy as fuck. But you can. (My H cups need the room.) I cant remember the damned company name now.....

Ah. This brings back memories!

I was just screaming this the other day. I got the Woman Within catalog and the JJill catalog at the same time and the difference was startling. The JJill stuff had TONS of plus-sized stuff in natural fibers — as long as I was willing to drop 3 figures on a blouse. WW (whcih, I don’t know why the send stuff to me?

I’m going to go shower now.