
I handed (*handed*, not tossed) my bouquet to the next person who was going to get married — a week after my wedding. If you can’t do that, maybe declare that you’re going to try to grow the ivy as a symbol of your love and you’re not going to throw it?

I refused to do it. I have memories of my aged and drunken grandmother shoving aside several pre-teens to catch a bouquet at a family wedding when I was younger. A friend attending my wedding was getting married the next Saturday and so I walked over and handed it to her. “Here, you’re the next to get married.” My

I admit, I can be bought. For the right amount of money, I would have sex with him. (Or a trip to space.) But otherwise... .nope.

Hee. I write smut for a living and I think you just gave me my next story idea!

I was with my husband, so I can’t swear that you will be left alone, but I read books and drank (mostly chocolat) in peace at cafes in Paris. Also, Nantucket in November.

My red flag story: I had an appointment for an interview. When I showed up, no one had heard of me or had a clue about my appointment. The receptionist looked confused and stuck me in an empty office. For a long ass time. A manager eventually came in and said, “The person you’re supposed to be interviewing with had to

Here's the thing about those high waisted jeans.... There's a reason they are called "mom jeans." It's because small children cling to our legs and then slide down to sit on our feet. And low-rise jeans just... slip right off the hips and reveal our faded cotton granny panties. Do not mock the high-waisted jeans, for

Hey! My nine year old (and all her friends) are better behaved than that. TWO year olds, maybe!

Well, yes. Not just several. Pretty much most of my friends very very rarely wear heels, if ever. We're geek women who enjoy jeans and t shirt events and work at labs, Google offices, or editorial staffs. We just don't hav emuch practice with heels, and essentailly NO practice with heels under long formal dresses on

The summer I got married was The Summer Of All The Weddings. I had 10 weddings in one summer. One of them was MINE. It was exhausting, let me tell you.

They do! And that's really strange and harmful to everyone involved, including the kids. I was at a parent teacher conference the other day which was like the inverse of the sexist car salesman — my husband would ask a question and my daughter's teacher would answer... to me. I think the "all mothers are selfless,

I'm a parent and I've thought an awful lot about this and I think the "logic" is something like this: Being a mother is hard, therefore all mothers are selfless, therefore anyone who chooses not to be a mother is selfish. FWIW, I've also heard that all mothers are selfish. Poking at the squiggly mass of

Laides and gentlemen, what we see here, above, is a rare platonic ideal example of Sea Lioning. Observe at a distance for your own mental health and safety.

Your argument sets up a false dichotomy. Of course they can give medical advice without knowing. But they can't give the best, most accurate, and useful advice. Twice as many preschoolers were killed by guns last year than cops — it's a serious health risk. (Citation.) That risk is dramatically increased by there

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New Stitch a Day! I learned how to knit, essentially, from this channel.

Actually, I'm a little surprised that it's as low as 63%

Dude. No. Just... the door is over there. Please leave.

Well, I know dozens of married Catholic women who only have one or three children, all carefully spaced. Pretty much that means they are FOR birth control, otherwise they'd just keep having babies. I also know plenty of people in the UU church who are for birth control.

If you have friends. If you one of three women on the team and one of them was loud and got laid off and the other thinks you should wear high heels to work, then you find a new job and you leave. Speaking up and getting laid off isn't going to pay my bills or feed my kid. Please be careful about telling people how to