
@fridaphile is tequila's momma: Those striped bikini would be very hard to take off in the honeymoon suite, what with Hamm having only two hand hooks and 32 perfect teeth to do so.

@Acefreakly: Often I dream of having a lot (A LOT) of pets - the normal kind, i.e. dogs and cats, as well as just the weirdest kinds, real or imaginary. By keeping track of when exactly I dream of that, I've figured out that it means I'm undertaking more tasks than usual.

@ObservantUnderachiever: The Autumn after that abomination Troy came out I dressed as "the Iliad defiled by Hollywood". Some guy thought I was Jesus.

My sister can't taste bad food. She's gotten poisoned by food that's gone bad at least three times now (she's 26) even with my grandmother cooking for her and telling her what to eat till when.

@Fwiffo: Wait till the internet hears about synesthesia.

@leesie: Always. It never gets easier however many times you go through it. The only thing that helps is knowing they've had the best life they could have had.

@leesie: She is beautiful and was lucky to have had a good home and a seriously long life.

@Dalinae: And shoutout to Rosita, a 3 years old sweetie-pie and the colleague of mine who saved her life in the nick of time. She was going to be put down because one of her owners is severely allergic, no one would take her, and Oslo shelters are "drowning in cats". But thanks to Sebastian she has a new home as of

Here's the Gremlin.

@GeneralBattuta: She has this style where one wrong word or extra turn of phrase would ejaculate urple all over the page but as it is, you just melt into the book.

Yay, one of my favorite books style-wise. And one of the sluttiest - I've loaned it out to so many people that its spine's gone to bits.

@Bs Baldwin: "Filtering is sometimes done in the still during distillation, as well as afterwards, where the distilled vodka is filtered through charcoal and other media. This is because under U.S. and European law vodka must not have any distinctive aroma, character, colour or flavour.[citation needed] However,

@Bs Baldwin: Vodka has taste. At least good one does. I've been at fancy vodka tastings and those were always great.

@portia-potty: This is 24st Century's Gargantua and Pantagruel.