
@addictedtopez: I am not a millionaire and my vacation in Mauritius last year cost about 800 a night. (5-star all-inclusive). Figured I'd earned it struggling and starving through my education and crappy first job for the last 7 years. I have no doubt Flotus2 can not only afford it but more than deserves it for

@cand86: Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god... I shall see that movie on opening night.

@malishka: Try Mauritius next time you're preggers. It's lovely there.

@SpartanLady: I still think it's a misspelling that's caught on/people are playing on it. Like "would of" and so on.

@Charlotte Corday: *fingers in ears* Lalalalalala. I can't hear you. Lalalalalala.

@DepecheNode: Exactly. If she can do Galinda, she can do anything TV can throw at her.

Well, then somebody better make a "Drinking in public means 'yes'" t-shirt, stat.

I'm surprised no one is mentioning the EE factor as a player in the opinions of the au pairs. Eastern Europe is still far from caught up with the West and women not only work way harder outside and inside the home but people still harbor backwards views on gender roles.

@Lorin: Like a fleet of Trojan horses, they come to unleash the army within.

@LazyHippo: "(which is not in and of itself a reason to be denied a visa, incidentally)"

@malishka: Yeah but don't forget that only non-immigrant babies are actually born. Crossing a border without a visa actually leads to a physiological metamorphosis that allows a woman to just uncross her legs and anchor down. It's like a super power.

@bangers: It is very true to the book and the actors are perfect. Looks like YouTube has all the episodes, too. (Hope you have just enough time to see them before you get a job, if you're looking for one.)

@piratejennie: Maybe Eric and Azazello can get a snarky, mischievous spinoff where they travel the world and get into all sorts of wacky hijinks.

@Natasha Phillips: I was so happy that our sympathetic, relatable and kick-ass Tara is back. There are so many female characters on this show and for a while there were only Pam and Jessica to hold the fort. At least Tara brings the ratio back up a bit.

@saketome: Promoted because this image made me lose my breath for a second and everyone deserves to experience that.

That fairy scene was totally stolen from the Russian "Master and Margarita" miniseries.

Reminds me of the amusement park in "Paprika". Just perfectly, dreamily creepy.

@syafiqjabar of Mars: Please tell me you meant the double-meaning of "stalkers". That would make my day.

@parangaricutirimicuaro: I love MUJI to death. All those teeny containers for everything. I keep wishing they'd have a "lab" line, so that I can stock my kitchen in pipettes and vials.