
So, I bought a relatively clean Mk2 from the original owner, and within the first six months of ownership, the following parts failed:

So heads up, I bought the Westinghouse TV from Bestbuy last time it came around and I’m very happy but please know that even in a quiet room you won’t be able to use the built-in speakers. It’s less of a deal when you hear how shitty the speakers on this TV are and you need to dig out an old pair of computer speakers

So heads up, I bought the Westinghouse TV from Bestbuy last time it came around and I’m very happy but please know

Funny, this doesn’t totally line up with my personal anecdata. My Saturn was 200k absolutely trouble-free miles (and a 125k mile clutch!) with zero major repairs apart from maintenance items. Both of my Volkswagens, an ‘88 Jetta GL and a mk6 GTI were money pits (eight warranty repairs and counting on the GTI).

It’s based off of the Miata- more like a ground rule double. I’ll take it.

I disagree with this advice. While the flavor of beer might be welcome in your cocktail, the point of adding soda water is to add some lightness and fizz, neither of which are provided by beer. Soda water and seltzer are much much MUCH more carbonated than beer- when diluted into a cocktail beer will provide almost no

I don’t think you’re going to improve your workspace in any way by replacing your PSU. If it was obviously having problems, it needs to be replaced, but most “optimize your office” articles don’t generally include “fix stuff that’s broken.” I guess I was hoping for advice about layout, ergonomics, or workflow rather

God damn, I WISH this thing were forgettable. It’s painful to look at.

Late-model Saturn SL: long clutch throw, clear engagement point, and not enough horsepower to do any real damage. Alternatively, MK6 Golf or GTI- easily one of the best transmission setups ever fitted to a passenger car.

Seriously? Badass! Let’s see it!

Okay, a Talmud signed by the Ramones would be pretty cool.

Good to hear, however I wish I could get some of that money. This whole dieselgate thing has seriously (not joking) affected my ability to sell my ‘12 GTI. People are morons.

So, I get that this is a huge chunk of change to drop on car stuff, and it sucks having a car in the shop when you need it to commute, but should car costs like this be considered unexpected? This really is something you should budget for if you own your car (particularly wear items like tires), same as home

It’s very simple to learn how your toilet works. It’s not a glamorous thing, but it’s about the simplest bit of plumbing in your house and once you know how it works, you will know exactly how to fix it when it’s not doing what it should. Flushing toilets are often overlooked, but make our lives substantially

You’re a weird dude, Torch.

But a windows license is tied to your hardware, so if you make any significant changes you need a brand new license. You can’t just move your old hard drive to thew new computer and start playing.

Because OF COURSE Torch’s kid’s name is Otto.

The same thing you do when your rear windshield gets dirty. You clean it off.

So, I have to ask: Does 14 hp make any bit of difference in a car this size? Is it really 2.8% faster? This seems to me, at first glance, like one of the most pointless “upgrades” ever offered.

Is there any reason to get the $200 soundbar over the $120 older version?

Is there any reason to get the $200 soundbar over the $120 older version?

Funny how everyone who has ever had to work delivery says “Don’t fucking do it” and every asshole who orders delivery in bad weather says “They need the money- I’m doing them a favor.”