
Computationally speaking, the physics problems we solve on an hourly basis are pretty simple. Basic position/velocity propositions. The stuff we really expend calories on are the more existential issues that bother us when we're watching MLP:FIM or attempting to fall asleep next to the person we've thrown our brand

I'm sure this is covered 70 times over, but we as a community need to define "need" in a slightly more concrete way. Ontologically, we're not there.

Just an FYI addendum to this comment, if you live in CA, almost all of your garlic likely comes from Gilroy, and any garlic you buy at the megamart will probably flourish just being shoved in the ground nearby wherever you call home. It's one of the hardier crops.

Came to post this but QOTD gets posted so damn early for us west coasters. The 3-wheeler has the one quality that every hipster craves from each of his posessions: the ability to make people go "That?/Why?/What is it?" so you can then EXPLAIN how fucking hipster it is to them.

Just to make sure it gets on the list: SPIRIT. The TINIEST SEATS... IN THE WORLD. No customer service to speak of, and no wi-fi offered on any plane in the fleet. $45 to check your FIRST bag, one carry-on only, any other personal items (purse, laptop bag, backpack) are $35, and $50 if you wait until you get to the

Listen, I'm 6'1" and very fat, which I feel is cause enough to discount me from this conversation, but I genuinely feel that my weight is not the worst part of air travel. 6'1" is hardly a standard deviation out of normal height and leg/neckroom is the fucking worst on every airline. At 275lbs (again, VERY fat) I

Attention Jalop writers: Pointing out that you're using a cliche does not give you a pass. Come up with an original analogy.

Knee-jerk complaint about the lack of engine noise in the video, vaguely racist comment about the choice of music!

I don't think even "not necessarily" really even covers it. If you have 0% for 5 years and plan to keep the car a lot longer than that, there's no reason not to reduce your payments by extending the term of the loan. The old adage still applies, which is to never pay interest on something that will lose value.

Oh shit I didn't even notice the wheels.

We actually have no Audi wagons at all, and none planned as far as I can tell.

Sorry, but the people we're talking about are automotive marketing professionals. Their JOB is to "get" these demographics and understand what motivates them.

Hertz only rents those cars to out-of-towners, sadly.

Wow, that is quite very extremely similar.

I knew this would get posted right away. ZR1 seems like the obvious choice, but you simply cannot buy a faster car for $60 grand.

Still less product placement than any movie released in the last 5 years.

Is that the Carlsbad Outlets? Whens your C&C?

I've had my side gig in the works for about a year now but it's cool see this article say "yea, this is a thing you should be doing." Just waiting on the legal bits now (I <3 u federal and state regulatory agencies!) but the dream is to take it full time if it turns a decent profit. First things first though, get my

You're putting the cart before the horse. Job hopping happens as a direct result of poor job security, inadequate compensation, and poor management. People job hop because employers don't invest in them, not the other way around. Remember pensions? Too young for that? How about when employers contributed to their

Fit is the #1 ingredient of good-looking clothes. You can always buy $40 suits at Macys, but take them to a local tailor and have them fitted to you. This is really cheap to do, in fact it's the cheapest way to increase the perceived price of your clothes tenfold. You will look better, thinner, and richer by