
I never realized how much the yinzer accent sounds like a Baltimore accent. They're damn near interchangeable.

I think this settles it, Doug is now my new favorite writer on Jalopnik. I really liked you Torch. You've strayed recently.

for some reason. I'm going to open myself up and say that yeah. I have a foot fetish and that taking off shoes thing in class in high school was my favorite bit for a very long time.

I had one of these. It's still the greatest thing I've ever owned. So comfortable, power everything, giant V8, LED display on the dash. Great sound system. It was my favorite car. It died in the middle of University of Pittsburgh's campus shitting coolant everywhere. I really want another one some day.

Kings of Leon are basically Nickelback 2.0. I wish more animals would shit in their mouths

Why are all of your posts bold?

I wear earplugs each day at work. Personally, I'm partial to these:

I wouldn't rely on Altidore to do much. Good thing this went in on its own. What a shot.

Fuck Goddell with a rake infested with scabies.

I think thats a better question for Tavarish over at Jalopnik since he posts those types of thing about twice weekly.

Jozy Altidore isnt and never hit what everyone thought he would be. Dude could barely make the roster for the Mackems. I don't think anyone gets excited about him anymore. Most people yelling "Jozy!" Are yelling because he can't finish.

I am the proud owner of a 2003 Xterra that has manual locks and manual windows. No cruise control or most any other creature comforts. And I fucking love the damn thing to death.

I swear I've seen this article before but regardless I have such a soft spot for these its ridiculous.

You're absolutely correct with the stencil thing. When I got my last two the artist did that so that I knew what it would look like and to make sure I liked where the tattoo would be. Anyone who wouldn't do this is out of their minds.

I like how damn near half of the clip above is not even the clip.

So I assume I'm the only person on earth who bought a car that just needed a charge and ended up just needing a charge? Oh and there was no leak the AC ran fine the entire two and a half years I owned the car.

So it's a small subcompact sedan and everyone is losing their minds here. Why?

This article screams of angry ex-employee and I can't believe this kind of garbage got on Kotaku. This post just sounds like a whiny guy who is just mad that he didn't get hired full time. Hell, I'd be willing to bet in the interview AND when the 3rd party organization called, they probably mentioned that "This job is

Isn't it just a rebadged SX4?

I don't mind me '02 Grand Prix GT at all, doesn't look hideous like the strokes all over the Grand Ams.