Because of the G-suit they don’t wear a proper Drysuit.
Because of the G-suit they don’t wear a proper Drysuit.
Time in water. By the time SAR got there....
Most of them do not even want to do warranty work.
Great, now I have to find my gorilla suit....
DOT regs say 4 tires is a CAR. Thus require car regulations. 3 equals a motorcycle with a sidecar. Off Road use, DOT does not care.
What they left out is that once you hit the water of the North Atlantic, you are on the clock for 25 minutes before hypothermia puts you sleep for good.
I saw the classified report at Elmendorf AFB. Even the pilots were amazed. Think the RS tail flash is a stock photo
If you ain’t cheatin’, You ain't trying.
Honda Ridgeline, U.S. Can buy Honda extras for it.
Time and money. Just don't expect to have both at the same time!
Time to buy the retired Wells Fargo armored car and go to LA......
As the belt buckle hits the floor.
It'd have to be a GIRL Sasquatch.....the snu-snu is strong with those.....
Hear that? It’s 5 year old me screaming
Can I get it in RHD?
HELLA! Hit me with it!
Diesel? This will piss of my wife....
Put FINS back on them!