
Word. Have you seen Being Mary Jane?

True story: the 90's were much much better for black people on TV and movies than today. Like waaay better.

I think a shitload of people look at the brutality depicted in films about slavery and think: “See, that would be something to complain about. Comparatively, they’ve got it so good now and still they complain, complain, complain!”

It’s pretty fucking rich that people are cool with consuming and confronting slavery in the form of entertainment while gasping at the horror of it all, but refuse to budge when it comes to things like criminal justice reform, income inequality, etc., and acknowledging the lingering effects of a country built on the

Completely false. It gets you access. And access and meetings and “working with Oscar winner”, are what get movies made. Its what gets bad movies made and its what gets small movies made and purchased at film festivals. Sure starring in a picture that does booming at the box office means quite a bit, if you are white

You deserve a standing ovation for this. I couldn’t agree more.

Giving men paternity leave would actually go a long way toward destigmatizing maternity leave. Right now we treat raising children, and particularly babies, as almost entirely the mother’s responsibility. Women are penalized for procreating and men are not because women are expected to make major lifestyle and career

It’s a false comparison. I don’t think we should ignore Trump because he’s bad, I think we should ignore Trump because his power *ONLY* comes from his media presence. Shitstains like Westboro Baptist and Isis and whateverthefuck else actually have ideologies and deeply held religious beliefs, however twisted and

It’s the same bullshit that feminists get told: “Women in [x place] have to deal with starvation/violence/forced marriage/FGM/burqas/driving restrictions/etc., and you’re just a spoiled, whiny brat, feminism is giving women victim complexes, women in the West have nothing to complain about ...” It’s just a silencing

Well written piece Clover.

Chaka Khan is sort of a dick about copyright. She made the Australian band Rufus (with umlauts over the u’s) change their name if they wanted to tour in the US and not get sued.

“You won’t change the world.”

What about India and Mexico (to pick only two countries) in which few people are ‘pure’ anything and yet darker shades are treated vastly worse than lighter shades? I don’t think it will be enough for there to be very few ‘pure’ whites left; the boundaries will just shift. And the point where everyone looks identical

Darren Rovell - Unaware tennis is and has always been a predominantly white sport with a white fanbase.

The Texas AG has no such authority. Licenses are being issued today in Austin, Dallas, Houston, Fort Worth, El Paso, San Antonio — and —- breathe — Groesbeck, Paris and..... Waco!! Whoa!!!! and there are others - Laredo, Edinburgh, etc., et. al.

She couldn’t just be a supportive ally. No, homegirl had to be the center of attention.

Isn’t it like, the UTMOST of white privilege to choose to be a minority? JFC.

We’re really getting into the boundaries between descent, race, ethnicity and nationality here. “African” in the context of African-American identity and reporting for demographic purposes refers to race, not nationality. A person who is ethnically Chinese but was raised in Mauritius would be considered Mauritian by

I’m starting to feel this way, too. I just don’t get it. I’m a liberal as they come, the biggest feminist most of my friends and family know... and this is absolutely ridiculous. There is such a huge community on the internet that glorifies being a victim - and if you’re lucky enough to have not been a victim, you