
I tend to greatly prefer many of the generics. Give me fake-ass Froot Loops over the real thing any day.

This is true. I usually ask people if they have any intention of seeing a movie or reading a book before I spoil it. If they do, I do my best to avoid spoilers!

And I, for one, appreciate that. Even if it's some other movie besides Top Gun, and even though I've had years to see it.

You're a good Internet citizen. I've seen people jokingly spoil The Usual Suspects. That mega-sucks. Even though it's thoroughly enjoyable upon multiple viewings, everyone deserves to watch it once without prior knowledge.

It's so funny that you mention this since I joke all the time about how I've never seen Top Gun. But there was a recent Archer promo that basically spoiled the entire movie. And now my joke is that I don't need to see it because I already watched the incredibly entertaining Cliff's Notes version.

Check out this guy's site - he made a .swf with a TON of video game music that is always on shuffle at all times. It's perfect background music, and I've even discovered a few games because of the tracks I've liked. In particular, Alan Wake.

For me the biggest surprise of 2013 was every other minute of the Stanley Parable.

Now playing

The title of the adventure references the Algorithm March song in the show


So Derek Jeter is just the real-life version of Steve Holt.

There is one restriction on rented items. Ravio takes them back if you die.

Hey. If you make comments about boobs, or fapping, or anything else of a similar nature, I'm going to remove your comment. If it's bad, or I catch you doing it again, I'm going to ban your account.

Yes, this is why a lot of people quit. When you are grossly overweight or obese and are used to a sedintary lifestyle and you start exercising and eating right you will see the weight fall off. At first. Then it will taper. Then it will stop. This is when people get frustrated and quit.

Now playing

Gosh, watching this makes me want to get on Netflix and go on an Archer RAAAAAMPAAGE

Wait....did anyone watch Regis this morning?

In an effort to quantify just how much effort they put into this promo, here's a list of references that I noticed in the video:
