
I am happy that we have been represented.
Baja is a popular hotspot for off-road racing; althou it feels like baja is more like an afterthough and the main attraction is Guanajuato.

The arch from the Forza Trailer.

Yeah so you’re either a) a boomer/older gen x who hasn’t participated in the workforce for a long time, or b) a teenager/college student who’s yet to enter it. Because I have news for you, the majority of people in marketing, accounting, project management, HR, sales and consulting have “liberal arts” degrees. Not to

Nope, other way around. That Cirrus is not repairable, composite fuselage cracked in half on landing. The CAPS system is designed to save the pilot, not the airframe. It uses the landing gear and bottom of the fuselage as a crumple zone to avoid compressing the pilot’s spine. It is possible that the aluminum Metroliner

where we’re going, we don’t need comments

The plane was fresh off of an 18-year restoration and may never fly again.

Wow, they’re pretty quick to finger the neighbor for it, but I guess the evidence does point to him.

You are using the “No True Scotsman” fallacy on race. And since race is some made-up shit you can sorta get away with it. But I tell you, if my daughters are black enough to get a heaping dose of racism, they are black enough to be black.

Seems like Markle is not black enough for you to defend her, and not white enough

Are you really this fucking dumb?

It’s been a long year, so you’re likely trolling out of sheer boredom, but I’m bored too, so...by “relative,” you mean Meghan’s mother, as opposed to Rachel Dolezal’s two white parents?

why would you abandon the tech that will take over the industry this decade. You really think playing on a limited flat screen is the pinnacle of video gaming. You think playing an a 2d screen is as good as it gets. My god LOL

You’re equating Native Americans to animals. You’re part of the problem. 

I reached a point, about two years ago, where my wife and I realized we needed to severely restrict our kids’ YouTube watching. We grew tired of the commercialism and inanity of videos like Ryan’s. When it comes to YouTubem they can only watch educational videos, and I feel so much better as a parent for making that

I’d buy that for a dollar!

Hey Zack, that person is the QA lead on the project. You might want to include this info in the article:)

Does this look like garbage to you???

Pretty sure that’s a Lambo, dude.

I Xplane and P3D and I’m an alpha tester for this new Sim....... And it blows x-plane out of the water

I think this is the largest quantity of vehicles that were lost/abandoned at sea due to a vessel sinking, however...

Maybe we shouldn’t subscribe to yet another misinterpretation of facts to suit a false narrative.  Between climate change deniers, antivaxxers and flat-earthers, the day could be filled with nonsense that I’d rather not deal with.