You’re duty bound to write that up on here when you get around to it.
You’re duty bound to write that up on here when you get around to it.
So, the UK Police?
Depends how they are cooked. They still kinda taste like chicken, but the flavour is richer and deeper. Kinda like dark meat that has sat in stock for a while.
Fix up the Corvair.
Presumably mandatory 2FA would negate that.
God, I got sick of their shit years ago and moved on.
It’s a joke. Antivirus...?
You should. It’s an excellent game. Even managed to convince my gf to sit with me while I was playing it as she enjoyed the plot.
The repair guys I don’t get. The antivirus company...kinda? I guess?...
Ha, thanks for rounding that out. I would need a change of pants after that.
You know you’re a Jalop when you get brained by the rear end of an E-Type.
Cat’s Eyes came about without any bloodshed. The bullshit story is that the dude who invented them was warned that he was about to drive off a cliff by a cat sat on the barrier. Its eyes reflected in his headlights.
I hear regular intake of dihydrogen monoxide is the only proven cure. In fact, around 97% of victims survive using this method.
Yeah, you get it. Can’t even elaborate on that as it hits the nail on the head.
Qoupe? or the more correct feeling Quope?
Username doesn’t check out.
Mix and match then put “Coupe” or “Shooting Brake” at the end. Job done.
According to birds, all of them are for everything
Worse than this?