
This reminds me that there is a notable color difference in my Xenon headlights... one seems to emit a green-blueish light, while the other looks more orangish...

Welcome back Mike. I don´t know you, but your post was inspiring.

@Roverguy: Your comment is so inappropriate...

@7shades: Repping the Antipodes: Like I wrote in the qotd on Marine Corps Vehicles, I find the fact interesting that many armys replace their light trucks with the Mercedes G, while the German army, which was the initial customer, replace their Gs with Nissan Patrols, among others.

Steering inspired by earthmoving equipment?

And so Jalopnik revealed plans of the Pentagon for next gen fighters that change shape to normal passenger vehicles - transformers style.

As he first picture shows, this car will be a cop magnet, but still... NP

@jbh11126: My guess is that this is just a sticker.

@TroyQueef: I know I made this joke before, but maybe it gets better after several usages...

@AMGkiller: Who knew that acting in a sitcom would qualify you to run your own practice...

@jmurjr: My thought exactly.

Jeremy Clarkson would approve.

@nsx23: If have an even better idea. Ride both at the same time, like Mr. Bond would do.

This would actually be a reason to get a motorcycle license.

@tehdeciever: No idea... maybe a friend of his runs a garage or something.

The ornament on Stuntman Mike´s Chevy Nova.

I like the "add to wishlist button", taking into account that christmas is approaching...

It is amazing how much creativity and criminal energy is sometimes used when it comes to stealing from your employer.