I cannot reliably do this. Cappy just instantly returns most times when I do the first dive instead of staying there, and if I hold Y so that he stays there Mario never dives and just ground pounds whenever I hit the trigger.
I cannot reliably do this. Cappy just instantly returns most times when I do the first dive instead of staying there, and if I hold Y so that he stays there Mario never dives and just ground pounds whenever I hit the trigger.
I feel like the hat player is a little too OP, at least if you put a gamer on the hat. I started up a new save with the SO as Mario and I was just going all over the place wrecking every enemy in seconds and getting everything while she just ran around.
I can easily see the console as a tough sell to some people with the current library, and that’s said by someone who got a Switch at launch. Aside from Breath of the Wild and the occasional social times where I whipped out the Snipperclips, Odyssey has been the first time I’ve used my Switch in awhile. I do the…
Console loyalty is my guess. A lot of people can’t afford both a Nintendo console and a PS4/Xbox One or don’t want to, so they start making justifications for why their choice is the superior one. Works the other way around as well with people that just have Nintendo systems. It’s all dumb tribalism, like so many…
Esperanto, of course.
Same comment section that freaked out when Trump kinda implied the ‘2nd amendment’ people doing something about Hillary now freely wishing a Republican congressman that was the victim of a mass shooting had stayed dead or for someone else to finish the job.
You assholes deserve one another.
I keep on waiting for Führer Fünfundvierzig to dissolve congress permanently, along with the circuit court system. The regional governors will have direct control over their states. Fear will keep them in line: Fear of his ICEstorm.
The Splinter response to this when Clinton called out the bill was absolutely shameful, ‘Stupid Republicans don’t even realize ear muffs are all you could ever possibly need! They need to shut up’. Even Politifact disagreed with her.
If they were able to restrict any federal move on guns after Sandy Hook during the Obama administration, I really doubt with the current political situation that they’d have much trouble accomplishing the same right now. They don’t really need to toss Dems a bone in order to avoid any ‘larger ban’, as that wouldn’t…
That was 50 years ago. Times have changed as has the NRA for better and for worse. If the majority of the NRA membership, today, threw up their hands and started accepting outright firearm bans because BLM marched with rifles once and nothing even happened, they’d be two dimensional racist caricatures.
Become? I am certain there are many law-abiding minority gun-owners as is.
Crazed Libertarian cartoon evil monster person here - I would be thrilled if the minority community would be more interested in gun ownership and become law-abiding armed citizens. Less anti-2A voters, more responsible gun owners, less ignorance! I see nothing to fear.
There’s also the fact that most gun homicides in the US are by handgun, many if not most of them meant to be concealed I’d wager, and attaching a huge can to the end of your firearm significantly effects how well it conceals.
Yep, I loved the first game but there’s just too much BS being pulled in this one. I had a similar attitude with AC: Unity and ended up getting it anyway, but this time I think I will actually let it play out.
If my girlfriend throws out my PS4, I’m throwing out her Hitachi magic wand.
Pat Boone has attacked his own people as well:
Yep, I stood in line for a midnight launch for this game because all my friends were talking it up. We all got home, played like a couple hours, realized the gameplay was repetitive, the ‘story’ was a bunch of goddamned voice recordings and the only way to get add-ons for your guns was to play a bot mode where your…
I personally wish it was more acceptable for companies to have an option of releasing sequels in shorter timeframes while reusing assets and engines. Too many people leap upon something like that as, ‘Oh, this isn’t Game 2, it’s Game 1.5!’. Two stand-outs as far as that goes off the top of my head are Fallout: New…
I appreciate that and I’m sorry if I spoke disrespectfully as well. I had a a guy arguing the same thing with me in another thread with waaaaay less tact, pretty much flooding my inbox telling me to go @#$% myself and eat @#$% like this was a youtube comment section and I start coming to expect it.
I can definitely see…