That’s not really his whole shtick. It’s certainly part of it, but I was always a fan of his because of his very in depth and honest reviews. The angry thing is just a recurring gag, barely 10% of his reviews I’d say.
That’s not really his whole shtick. It’s certainly part of it, but I was always a fan of his because of his very in depth and honest reviews. The angry thing is just a recurring gag, barely 10% of his reviews I’d say.
I thought Spoony ended up that way because of the whole, uh, thing he said to that female creator that was very not cool.
Did this really just happen? My calendar says July but it’s gotta be April. This can’t be real, right? I mean if this is real - just can’t be - this guy is getting shipped off to Antarctica overnight, right?
I responded to Stepped asking for him to, you know, provide some arguments. He dismissed me instead! Easier to plug your ears than actually explain yourself, I guess.
Thanks for ungreying me, bud!
Not even gems like Smash Mouth’s 2012 album (no, that 1 is actually a 1 and not a 0) Magic, which has a now rather ironic song on it called ‘Justin Bieber’, containing lines like this:
This ugly motherfucker should cry everynight about how ugly he is, and he should live in a basement without light. ANd I am being kind.
Do you have any reasons, maybe?
If this Republican had some other physical imperfection, like a lazy eye, and everyone took that as a green light to mock him for it and you came in here and said, ‘I have a lazy eye and making fun of this guy’s lazy eye is totally okay so do whatever you want’, you’d think that was…
I saw some random fat guy in the comments declare himself the representative of all fatdom and say he was okay with it, so it’s all good! That’s how it works, right?
How is your statement different from people justifying bigotry because they got one random minority to condone it?
This is pretty shameful and you can use the excuse people are giving you in nearly any situation where you’re called a hypocrite. “No, see, it’s okay that I’m doing what I’m criticizing this person for because they did it first!” That’s not some loophole, that’s just you being a hypocrite.
I’m waiting for someone to…
I need to catch back up on this show. Always glad to see Roger Cross in anything, takes me back to when I first saw him in First Wave back when Syfy was still Sci-fi.
I don’t get how anyone could hate the Might Mighty Bosstones.
I really don’t understand the end-game here on immigration when it comes to the other commenters here. Illegal immigration is...illegal. So the law needs to be enforced, and people are going to do it. What’s their solution here? Just specifically make everybody who came here illegally a citizen and flip the bird to…
I also live near an airport. The sounds come and go, sometimes they’re really loud. But it’s over after 15 seconds or so every time. This is not quite the same.
Because we are better than the rest of America
having a good time being outraged at some shit they’ve never even heard of before this blog post.
Well, Square Enix deliberately made it popular to move there because they wanted people to move there and added incentives in order to take the strain off the higher populated servers.
You seem to find it incredibly important as you’re bitching about how everyone’s treating you like a dick because you purposefully acted like a dick. I don’t know what you expected.
Oh, I was just ACTING like an asshole and you all fell for it and treated me like one! Losers!
You’re not half as intelligent as you think you are.