
That’s what it seems like to me, they probably expected Starcraft II to just take over Starcraft’s competitive duties and it never quite happened so they’re making the first game far less dated than the original by cleaning things up and adding new features. Which is great, I’ll note, I’m sure a lot of people will

“That your expectations somehow make this a disappointing tells me you’re just an entitled gamer that continually expects “more” and “better” no matter that you fail to grasp what those concepts even mean”

Jesus Christ, please calm down. It was my personal opinion, I even said it was an unrealistic expectation. I

Some remasters are pretty dramatic but I did say I was probably being unrealistic. I re-edited my comment to make it clear that I’m not outraged about it nor do I think it looks terrible. I’m sure plenty of people will buy it if you’re still into Starcraft 1 or never picked it up before, but as someone that played it

I’m a little unimpressed. I mean, maybe this was unrealistic of me but when I heard they were remastering this I figured they’d be doing something like making it in Starcraft II’s engine.

This looks like a pretty minimalist approach to improvement. It de-pixelizes things a fair amount but it’s not absurdly different.


“Your mom can only handle being disagreed with at this point by patronizing the person she’s talking to.”

That was actually, legitimately funny. I don’t even have it in me to argue with you anymore because of the joy you just brought me.

Except I’m not saying that anything is correct necessarily because a bunch of people agree with me, I’m saying that your words were easily ‘misunderstood’ based on the evidence that /a bunch of people misunderstood it/. That’s not an appeal to popularity, it’s directly applicable to the point I’m making.

If I were to

I admit when I’m wrong all the time, EVEN on the internet. Some people can’t do that, but if I’m shown I screwed up I will own it. I even agreed with you about Sargon after you provided some actual evidence.

You, meanwhile, will not even admit you could’ve worded the first part better, you won’t even admit you could

Okay, you said this guy was alt-right and you gave two examples of him being anti-SJ, and now you’re saying it’s totally unreasonable to then take that as equating the two. It’s clear you’re incapable of admitting when you’ve obviously miscommunicated something and you’re not going to.

“Again, I never actually said that. You just assumed I meant that because the first two examples I thought of happened to both be about social justice issues.”

I don’t think I was very wrong in assuming you made the argument that anti-SJ = alt-right because your argument happened to entirely consist of you equating the

What are you even talking about?

You made a post that said that because someone is anti-SJ, it makes them alt-right. This is specifically the logic I had the problem with. Nothing else, I care about how logically bankrupt and divisive that specific argument is even if he is alt-right.

“because I started with things he

The lighter hair looks like a piece of painted plastic. I get that hair is tough, but at least keep your chargen up to the standards of your last game! It’s a low bar!

You’ve got the order of events mixed up again. I wasn’t satisfied with your argument supporting his alt-rightedness, then I got you to actually produce evidence, and THEN I agreed with you. I don’t know why you’re acting like the whole thing ran backwards because I’d obviously then sound really unreasonable but that’s

This is the post I responded to:

“He says he hates the alt-right, yet he keeps doing shit like starting Internet petitions to suspend “social justice” courses and saying stupid shit like “Feminists are ruining Magic: The Gathering”.

He holds at least one pretty racist view, then. Again, I didn’t really know one way or the other what this guy actually believed before this started. I just disagreed with how you were initially coming to your conclusions. Instead of ‘This guy is alt-right because the alt-right loves him’, if you started with stuff

There’s no facial feature shapes (can’t change how your nose or eyes are shaped, for example, it’s all tied to your preset), I personally think the hair looks even worse - there’s definitely less hair choices, your eyebrows I’ll note (again!) don’t change with your hair color. You can’t make a super pale character

Same here. I was really geared up for this game to disappoint the hell out of me, and I’m kind of glad I was because I’ve only been pleasantly surprised thus far.

Notable flaws are the character generator (it’s just worse than even Mass Effect 1 or even Dragon Age Origins, way less choices, terrible hair, can’t even

“People yelling at each other on twitter isn’t “social justice”.”

To a lot of people it is, and not just gamergaters. Whenever there’s some moral outrage controversy, for better or worse it’s typically defined as a social justice issue.

He certainly could be. Like I said:

“Just because the alt-right loves Donald Trump and hates SJWs doesn’t mean that everyone who loves Donald Trump and/or hates SJWs is part of the alt-right...”

It’s ultimately subjective, but I feel like openly identifying themselves with the group or at the very least agreeing with

If that thing is a huge part of their identity of being called alt-right, then I disagree that the two things are similar at all. Hatred of SJWs is also a huge part of their identity, so I think you’ve gotten things turned around. Just because the alt-right loves Donald Trump and hates SJWs doesn’t mean that everyone

“Social justice is the promotion of justice for all, not just the rich and privileged or members of a politically dominate ethnic group.”

And that’s your definition of the ideal, people disagreeing with it probably think that it just means attempting to get people fired or having their careers ruined for making dumb